I received my latest Mandala order that included the last 2012 Wild Monk cake. Have I mentioned this week how much I love Garret? He wrote something incredibly sweet on the packing slip and did that Super Hero thing he does with the mail. I ordered this a week ago – nothing from the US gets here as fast as his packages do. :))
Oh, so happy for you :-) And yes, he’s totaly a mail super hero!! Congrats again on the last 2012 Monk cake!
I received two teas from the EBay seller Streetshop88, a Fu brick and 250gm of Ginseng Oolong Tea. Will sample the Oolong tomorrow. Streetshop88 has consistently good service and their teas have been pretty good. They always ship within hours after I order.
I got my Teavivre anniversary package. I got all of my samples.
Yay!!! Enjoy your teas!!!
got my Teavivre anniversary sampler AND some extra samples for review today. Everything is there.
Surprise Tea from Cavocorax I think she just wanted to rain on my cupboard parade! :) thanks cavo!
Hahhahahah. At least it showed up in August. If it messed up your under 100 thing you might have been very displeased with me. And the one was our mystery tea! Only fair I split it.
Oh right hahahaha I forgot about that
Me thinks you should have sent more Cavo…. :))
I got a package in the mail from Virginias stash sale today! Thanks Virginia!
After keeping an eye out on my mailbox all day my Teavivre order finally arrived at 4:45! I luckily got all of the samples I asked for as well. Now I just have to sample them all before the Teavivre sale is up.
I also got my Den’s Tea sample package which was a nice surprise.
I got mine today and I’m doing the same :-) enjoy!
Thanks, two down nine to go! Hope you enjoy too!
Got two orders in the mail today, one from Discover Teas and another from Harney and Sons. The Discover Teas order had, among other teas, Chocolate Covered Strawberry, an delicious tea. Among the teas from Harney and Sons were Chinese Flower and Dragon Pearl Jasmine.
My Teavivre order is still waiting to be mailed. It looks like it’ll get to my house tomorrow, when I’m out of town.
I got some more tea a few days ago. Since I only bought two ounces of each, my tea from the London Tea Room came in a small box. The bags are cute, though, and it has tea measurements and temperature suggestions on the back. I didn’t know if I would get my tea, but after emailing them, I found out that there was an address issue. They resolved it by taking it to the post office, but I received it fairly quickly. Anyway, I got the Cream Earl Grey, the 5th of November, the Anti Stress Tea, the Sakura Sencha, and their Pu-erh. Then I received the Casablanca fruit tea from the English Tea Store.
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