Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!

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MissB said

A bit of a bittersweet tea package day today, for me.

Checked my mail, and there were two, completely unexpected packages from Manitoba. It looked like tea, so I was trying to remember if I had a swap coming in as I climbed the stairs. Nope.

I open the packages, and they’re both from the same company: DuvalTea. I’d supported them in their Indiegogo campaign a while back (I get alerts for tea-related and work-related things), and had completely forgotten. A beautiful card read:

“Thank you so much for supporting our Indiegogo campaign. If you like our teas, please visit us at! We didn’t get funded! But we will still keep going! “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail BETTER.” Thank you!" and it was signed with some Asian characters I’m unable to read.

The card also came with two surprisingly large packages of tea (just over an ounce each): Jasmine Green and “Loose Leaf Sampler”, which I guess I’ll find out what it is when I open it.

I should note: they got zero money from me for this campaign because it failed to fund. Yet they STILL sent me free tea.

MissB said

.. and now I’m just blown away. The Loose Leaf Sampler, is this:

yyz said

That’s nice that they honoured it. They should get some money from the campaign. They just pay a higher percentage of their contributions to indiegogo in fees.

MissB said

I wish they did, however $0 came out of my account to pay them for that campaign. I know some are set up only to get the cash if they make their goal, maybe that’s what happened? Dunno.

yyz said

That’s too bad. I didn’t know that there was an option to not get or take any money for indiegogo campaigns. The sampler pack looks really nice enjoy!

What a great thing for them to do! Looks like a nice eager company trying to get their name out.

If they are anything like Kickstarter, I don’t think they get any funds unless they meet their goal.

yyz said

I looked at a different section and I see now that you have a choice, fixed or flexible funding. One its all or no thine, the other,you pay a higher fee if you don’t make your goal. I thought they only offered the one option. Good to know.

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Tealizzy said

I got my RiverTea order today and it is amazing! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!! The packaging is beautiful and the granny’s cake and dolce vita teas I ordered smelled so good, I did a little happy dance! I’m so so excited to try these out!!! What a perfect way to start the weekend! :D

Sil select said

woohoo! so excited for you :)

Katiek said

Got my River Tea order today as well! Very eager to try!

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AnnaEA select said

My samples from Tea at Sea arrived today! Darling packaging!

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Got a nice little sampler from Eve today. :)
She offered to send me a sample of a tea I commented on & to my surprise added some extras.

You all are too generous around here! Love ya!

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Got my Dammann Freres goodies from Cadeau Vendome!!

Ok, I kid you not, the box in which it came in was nearly destroyed by the time it got here…it looks like it has gone through WW1 and WW2 and lost the battle!!!

But the goodies are intact, thank god! Guess who’s having more Pu’erh Gourmand tonight?? This fairy right here!

Thanks again Sil for recommending them to me, super happy about this transaction :-)

Dexter said

Awesome glad that the teas are ok even if the box isn’t in such good shape. Enjoy your new teas…

Oh, and Dexter, did I forget to mention luscious black cherries? Did I?

Dexter said

lol I don’t want to know – I am not allowed more tea… Happy that you are happy with your haul. I will drool over your tasting notes and plot for my own order sometime in 2016…. ;))

Haha! Or maybe you won’t have to wait that long, fairies do know how to work their magic you know…

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tb said

Got my Tea at Sea samples today! Got the black tea and the green tea :) cute little boat thing came with it

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Not tea related (don’t stone me!) but I’m typing on the new laptop my boyfriend just sent me for “Christmas”! :D Maybe he should have made it a Valentine’s day present. lol

Kamyria said

Wow… new laptop is always awesome!! Enjoy! :D

Thank you! :)

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A little present from Courtney!

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Dexter said

Yay!!!! I came home today to find the package Stephanie sent me 21 days ago!!!! Me thinks Canada Customs had it for a while, but it wasn’t opened. Doesn’t matter, I have it now. Thank you so much Stephanie for including some fun teas to try. :))

Sil select said

awesome! love it when tea isn’t actually missing..stupid canada post!

:) :) :)

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VariaTEA said

I got an awesomely generous swap from Josie Jade and my variable temperature kettle! Thank you Josie Jade!! I have already started enjoying the teas and my new kettle will make it that much easier to do so.

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