Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!

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I got my FIRST tea swap from TeaTiff and I couldn’t be more happy!
52 Teas:
*Malted ChocoMaté
*Pancake Breakfast Black Tea

Butiki Teas:
Cider Guayusa
Irish Cream Cheesecake

Red Leaf Tea – Caramel Matcha

Gong Fu Tea:
*Wuyi Shan Red Cape
*Masala Chai
Constant Companion

*Buttered Rum (organic)

Shang Tea:
*High Mountain Green
*Tangerine Blossom

In addition, I also got my Lupicia newsletter, which included a sample of Cookie.

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Got some samples I ordered from someone who blends on Adagio. (Aun-Juli if anyone is curious. She sells samples of her teas sometimes.) So definitely excited for those.
I also got a Jury Summons. Not so excited about that. Lol.

TeaLady441 said

How do you order direclty from her?
Not that I really need more Adagio teas, but… samples!

also that really sucks about the jury summons!

Ack, I just got a jury summons for March in the mail today so I definitely feel your pain. Sorry :(

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A friend of mine bought two tins of tea for me! It was at a local tea shoppe that she worked at over the holidays and the finally arrived in the mail! So stoked to try them!

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Last night I got my first shipment from Butiki. I got The Black Lotus, Dinjoye Estate Assam, Giddapahar Estate Darjeeling Extra Fine, Organic Ceylon and Gui Fei Oolong. Along with that were four small samples of various black teas offered.

So far they’ve been great. Had the Black Lotus, Darjeeling and Ceylon so far.

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Woke up this morning and went to check the mail for my RiverTea order. Instead I saw a large DAVIDsTEA box and was heavily confused because I’ve never placed an online DT order in my life – especially not recently. I thought that maybe it actually wasn’t for me, and my landlord’s daughter had ordered it, but nope my name was on it.

Brought it inside and opened it up (still very confused), and immediately saw the little note card which read “From Keychange”. Instantly, I realized that it must be the tea she’s sending me – a few small samples and then a lot of HS’s Boston Blend. I figured she’d just parceled it in a DAVIDsTEA box because maybe the Boston she sent was really that much? And that it had just got here really fast…

But nope, I kept opening only to see this beauty:

Remember the mason jar she was raving about? Yeah – she sent me one. Seriously, the kindness of people here on Steepster is sometimes just absolutely too much! And, totally out of the blue! I’m overwhelmed by the generosity. May Keychange receive all the good karma! ALL OF IT.

Yvonne said

Oh my god – she is so sweet!

How sweet!!!! I’ve been dying to buy this since they came out! Jealous!

TeaLady441 said

That’s so awesome! :D
I love that you guys are mason jar buddies!

Awww, Steepster folk are the best <3

VariaTEA said

That is amazing! Gotta love the wonderful people of steepster!

Wow, that’s so great! :)))

aw, so sweet!

Kamyria said

Aww.. that is so sweet!!! :)

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It’s not tea related, but I received a GIANT box of chocolates from Canada yesterday. Yessssss.

yessss indeed! chocolate is always good.

Yvonne said

Enjoying the chocolate WITH some tea = instantly tea related. :)

I only enjoy super sweet teas with chocolate, otherwise everything tastes bitter in comparison.

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TWO tea boxes today, after a dearth of new tea lately. got my american tea room order (brioche AND brioche free! plus half-off christmas tea, NUMMY for right before bed!) and the long-anticipated RiverTea order – so cute, so lovely, and the milky oolong is so delicious!

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Dinosara said

I got my awesome swap from OMGsrsly! Yay!

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VariaTEA said

I got two awesome swap packages. Thank you OMGsrsly and Scheherazade for your generosity. I am so excited to try all my new teas!!

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I received a beautiful set of samples from Tea Setter today. With all of these teas for grown-ups, I feel as though I am being inducted into

The Society of Serious Tea Drinkers!

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