My package from MissB came in! I’m so satisfied with it I immediately went back to her updated list to see if there were more I wanted to buy! :D
Thanks MissB!
Received my $30 Fukubukuro from Lupicia. YAY! No silly little tea ball this time — just tea! Same contents as the rest of the $30 bags. I rounded out my purchase with Banane Chocolat, Muscat Oolong, Chocolate & Strawberry Puer and Marron Chocolat (and more Strawberry & Vanilla. Wish I had known they were including this in the Happy Bags. I truly hope I like this flavor.)
I got my order from Mariage Freres;
Paris Ginza
Marco Polo (black tea)
I’m still waiting for 5 other orders :-)
My order from Della Terra Teas. Yay!
I got the package with the teas I bought from Shadowfall :) Very excited about them but they will probably have to wait for my day off so I can try all or most of them… And my day off is tomorrow! :D
I got my order from Red Leaf today! A large bag of Passion Fruit Wulong and three matcha samples (eggnog, French vanilla, and caramel). Haven’t tried any yet but I think I’ll have a matcha in the morning.
My very much awaited Verdant Tea order!! Yay! Get to try the chrysanthemum pu’erh tomorrow! :)
Excellent! I’m so glad to hear it arrived :)
Got a Steepster Select box today. They sent me an email offer I couldn’t refuse so I took a chance. Lol! Though I’m bummed because I was hoping to stay a member for a few months, but finances just aren’t what they should be. /sigh/
But this box is pretty neat. The packages seem like they hold more than just the one serving each that’s advertised, which is awesome. But we’ll see when I open one.
I did find it kinda strange that the box I got was the December box, not a January box like I was expecting. I signed up in January, so shouldn’t I have gotten the Jan box? Anyone know?
I had the same thing! I got an email offering a free box and they sent me December’s. I guess beggars can’t be choosers? heh
Lol. That’s exactly what I was thinking. But I figure it didn’t hurt to ask. At least I know that it happened to other people too.
I asked Jason and he informed me that the giveaway box was for December’s box. Yeah, I was confused as well!
Tea Pet – That makes sense. I wonder if they were essentially clearing out overstock or something? Not that I mind. This was a good way to see what the Select box was like. Maybe if it ever becomes cheaper, I’ll subscribe for a few months.
Nothing in the last two weeks or so, but that’s because I’ve been on vacation. I expect there to be several things waiting for me when I get home later this afternoon.
I did get an email notice that my Teavivre order is in tea jail, however. So that’s at least one thing guaranteed to look forward to.
Finally back home. I rescued my Teavivre order from Tea Jail: 100g Jasmine Silver Needle!
I also received the tea I purchased from QueenofTarts and the 3rd Day of Christmas tea from CelebriTEA. That makes all of the 12 Days packages except Day 4 which sadly never made it to me. Stupid postal services…
Finally got my Lupicia Happy Bag! I am overall pretty pleased although there are definitely a few teas that I will be passing on. It’s quite a pile, though!
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