Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
So today has been a pretty awesome tea day as I just got my third package today. Yet another swap from Roswell Strange and she sent me tea galore. So many extras, I am so excited. Thank you Roswell Strange!!
My Teavivre order from black Friday, finally. Customs held it and opened it, again. I seem to have probs with Teavivre orders, but at least this time they didn’t open the tea, just the box. Then it was held by Canada Post. But I have it now, so I am happy.
My first month of steepster select came in the mail today!!!! I love love love the packaging! So awesome:):)
The bags are cool! And I like all the info on the teas! And the fact that you get 2 packages per type:)
Thanks for posting the pictures! Since we’re not allowed to subscribe up here I’ve been dying of curiosity…. /twitches
I feel a lot better now that I’ve seen what was in the box.
@Cavocorax have you thought of splitting it with a US steepster? It would be so easy! Since the samples come in pairs:)
So is each packet for one 8 oz cup? Is that what the individual bags are for?
To me it looks like there might be 2-3 servings in each packet so 4-6 servings per type of tea with each having two packets :)
The phrasing on the select page seems to imply 2 servings but I guess I will find out when I open one. Probably tomorrow.
As will I:) can’t wait! Tomorrow is my Friday so my stash is mine all day!!! No worries about caffeine yay!
Thanks for posting the pictures! I’m new here and have been curious about the Select program. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts once you get a chance to open and try them.
Awww. I didn’t receive my Butiki order yesterday. Canada Post originally said the 18th. Then it was the 19th yesterday and now it’s the 20th!
My tea is on a tour! It went from New York to Montreal, then Mississauga, then Brampton, then Canada Post realized there was a processing error, and it was routed BACK to Mississauga. As of this morning it’s in Scarborough. None of these areas are Thornhill. >:|
But hopefully tomorrow!
Oh – I DID receive my package from BrewTEAllySweet today, full of awesome Verdant samples and other great things. She even threw in a few teas that were on my shopping list like American Tea Room’s Brioche! /swoon
I also went to Sil’s and she loaded me up with a BAG full of tea. :O
Thanks guys! I was at 114 teas. I wonder how much you’ll jump me up between these two swaps!
(So I guess I’ll survive until my Butiki order arrives)
haha you bumped me up to 153 (thankfully i got some sipdowns in today) I might EVEN be able to get to 150 before the butiki teas are added to my cupboard, which would mean i’m still not doing too bad….until miss B’s and terri’s stuff gets here… something i keep putting out of my mind as coming haha
Maybe eh? I’m going to bust a gut if both of their packages arrive tomorrow.
I just remember that OMGSrsly had a few teas in there for me too! :O So that’s another 5 on my total. It’s going to take me an hour to add all this to my cupboard. :D
Received my Harney & Sons order today. Happiness in the form of dried tea:
Japanese Sencha, Paris, several H&T blends, and a whole bunch of new sachets to try.
I guess that this means that I won’t be visiting Starbucks as frequently anymore…
WOOT WOOT! My Butiki Teas order from BF got out on of tea jail! So many delicious teas back in my cupboard and so many news ones to try so i can start planning the next order mwahahahahaha
I had mine on the fridge at Thanksgiving and when people asked about it I got to explain leafhoppers and how awesome Stacy’s tea is! Then served samples after dinner :)
Stephanie-Awesome! :) I have the magnets on pretty much all magnetic surfaces in my house and have had a few friends come over and ask why I love grasshoppers. Then I go into my “let me tell you about my little buddies, the leafhoppers” spiel.
Just had that rare Thursday night out (tomorrow’s an easy day, the last before holiday break) and when we got back in at 8:30pm (our UPS guy never ever comes after 8pm) and my Steven Smith package—scheduled to arrive today—wasn’t here I was mildly bummed. Thennnn at like 9:15pm (!) he showed with it. Poor frickin’ UPS guy. He is so getting a box of candy and a holiday card.
My Butiki order arrived!
And for those who were curious, this is the tea jar that I won in the contest:
It’s so pretty. :D
It’s also smaller than I thought. On the website it says 13 oz, but that’s the weight of the pot, not the capacity. (Oh, of course it is). Which is good, because I don’t have 13 oz of any tea, but I do have several oz of Caramel Vanilla Assam that will fit nicely in there.
Thanks again Stacy for the contest.
Congrats! :) Sorry about that. I see how that could be confusing. When we have a chance, we will go through and add the word “weight” so that it is less confusing.
Yay, while out and about earlier I liberated my Teavivre shippment from Post Office Jail! :D I got a few of their assortment packs to try out some new teas and have just brewed up my first cup of Fengqing Dragon Pearl Black Tea, It’s quite delicious!!
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