Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
OK I entered them all, just really rought but they are there if anyone want to edit more info….
That puts me at 262…
I got a Teavana blend today… … I’m happy it arrived safely this time… but I couldn’t be more disappointed with the blend. It’s one I’ve been wanting to try for ages, and I NEED to find some caffienated but lower caffienated teas to drink (so green or white…) and I’m not a fan of those types of teas, but Goddddd…
Peachberry Jasmine Sutra Green Tea, you taste IDENTICAL to every fruit hinted Teavana blend I have tried. I almost did a spit take when I tried you, because I thought I had accidentally brewed a cup of Champagne Sangria Punch Black Tea.
Maybe all Teavana fruit blends taste identical. I love my straight Teavana black tea and my chocolate oolong, and I will only keep buying chocolate profile blends or straight tea, if I Purchase at all. Teavana, go take Starbucks and shelf them until they go stale. These artificial flavorings in your tea make them undistinguishable…
The packaging was ridiculous. I got a comically large box with only 3 ounces of tea. The sample is always appreciate though!
Unfortunately green and white teas are not necessarily lower caffeine than blacks. If you are looking to keep your caffeine really low, you pretty much have to avoid camelia sinensis. I am at work and don’t have the links here but there are a bunch of discussion threads about it if you want to read the science. Basically, you have to test each exact tea to know how much caffeine there is and the old “rules” are largely bunk.
+1 to Uniquity’s post. White teas often have the most caffeine of all because they are the least processed. Teavana markets them as low caffeine but that is not true at all.
All of the big tea companies follow the old wive’s tales and it bugs me. A lot of it seems to be power of suggestion and people tend to notice caffeine more in black teas but it is not necessarily accurate. You’d think tea companies would be in the know! :)
I don’t drink green tea ever, but I’m really caffiene sensitive, because I’m on stimulant drugs. Thanks so much for the info. I’ve never actually taken notice of what Teavana says on their website—but I did since it came up, look at the catalogue they sent, and it has no caffeine information in it beyond that herbal teas and rooibos teas are caffeine free. I don’t remember this being the case, so maybe they’re reforming that policy. Not to WK Teavana…
Ugh, anyway, I’m disappointed about learning this actually. I like herbal teas and sometimes rooibos teas, but they are poor, poor, poor alternatives for actual tea that is tea. (I have been drinking on decaf tea that tastes like tea and satisfies like tea, but it has kava root in it, so it can’t be consumed in the afternoon.)
I guess I should just make a project of finding caffeine free alternatives that don’t make me feel sad I’m not drinking real tea. I think maybe if I choose flavors I associate with teas, chai, earl gray, lemon, etc, maybe I can find some things.
I’ve noticed since I’ve been drinking more tea since it got cold that my sleep patterns are suffering, so I need to get back on an acceptable schedule. But this makes me sad still.
I don’t have any discernible reaction to caffeine so luckily for me I don’t have to pay attention to any of that stuff but for people who are caffeine sensitive for whatever reason it is pretty important to separate the truth from the marketing. I’m sorry for you though! If it helps, there are lots of good caffeine free chais out there. You don’t even need the tea or rooibos base, I find. Just steep up some spices and enjoy. If you drink flavoured teas, vanilla comoro from Harney and Sons is a pretty good decaf. I used to make a decaf chai for a caffeine sensitive friend with that as the base actually and he LOVED it.
My Herbal Infusions Order came in! :O I can finally try some cacoa, although the rest is getting tucked away for Christmas.
Also my mystery package from Janelle! She loaded it with tons of tea from DAVIDs that I’d never even heard of, and a few from DT that were on my shopping list. I’m excited to try them out. Also, that was one of the most ‘pro’ packing jobs I’ve seen. She had about 15 samples taped to a thin cardboard backing in the envelope and managed to ship it for only $3.
My Herbal Infusions order arrived!! Plus, in the email they sent, it only had my Black Friday order but the Cyber Monday order was added as well so all my Herbal Infusion teas are here and I am so excited!! This is actually the first Black Friday order that has arrived (however, others have arrived at my Dad’s in LA a while ago but he is waiting on my Butiki order to send them all to me in one shot – that will be a fun tea day for sure!)
Also, Canada Post delivery people in my area are so frustrating. The only reason I have my package and not a pick up slip is because I heard the Canada Post lady come up the stairs and stop outside my apartment and just stand there. She didn’t even try knocking and when I decided to just answer the door anyway she had the slip in hand and a sticker on my box and a really shocked look on her face. The lights were on too so I don’t know what Canada Posts issue is with interacting with me.
That’s so annoying! You would think it’d be less work for them to just deliver it than to carry it around and write up notices…
I’m lucky that my teavivre order didn’t end up in tea jail. My bf was out by the car when the postman came by so he just handed it to him. Usually we have to sign for those so they always go to jail…
Got my Butiki order, thank you Stacy! It was super fast after I got your confirmation.
Thanks to the 20$ gift sale, I got myself plenty of tea :-)
can’t wait to try Doke Roling Thunder and Lychee Oolong!!
Bummer…never happened to me with a butiki. Hope they release it soon enough so you can get it before x-mas, good luck :-)
I’ve never had that happen with any tea before either but here we are :( I hope they don’t take anything from it.
All my orders take a break at customs before getting to me but I’ve yet to have anything opened. They just hold it for a couple days and annoy me. I live in NS.
TheTeaFairy-So glad everything arrived safely!
Sweet Canadian-Oh no, I hope its not stuck too long.
Teavivre order arrived today…too bad i was stuck in workjail too long so no drinking tea tonight.
I got my Verdant Blends box, an order from Zen Tea (fruity stuff, rooibos, and a couple re-stocks), as well as a Christmas tea card from Veronica! YAY!
A tea swap package arrived from Veronica today. Something inside smells ah-mazing so I am planning on sniffing out what and trying that first. Thank you Veronica!!
My catching of the Canada Post lady yesterday has caused her to actually knock. However, I am very confused with the package she delivered. Today I received a second package from Herbal Infusions containing duplicates of the Cyber Monday teas that they had already sent to me. As happy as I am to have more tea, I really feel sort of wrong keeping this when I did not pay for it. I have reached out to Herbal Infusions and hopefully I hear back from them soon.
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