You guys, I got a box from Verdant today from BrewTEAlly Sweet! She got me the puerhs that I really wanted on Black Friday but didn’t order for myself. I’m seriously going to cry! All you Steepsters are the best people hugs
Thank you so much!!!! <3
Yay!!! I’ve been eyeing the tracking info! Updating it ever minute. It was supposed to be there yesterday. It didn’t move for 3 days:( I’m assuming because of the storm you were talking about. It was so hard to keep it from you since Black Friday :) I so happy you got it! With my dad giving me money for Black Friday teas, I thought I should share with someone who has been so good to me since I joined :) even though we joined around the same time :) enjoy Hun!
I’m already drinking some sheng. SO good!!! :D
Yay! I was curious about that one!! :) you deserve it :)
My Amoda box arrived! About to go on a trip like in 30 minutes but I’m so glad it came! :D
Lovely 12 Days of Christmas packages from KatieK and MissB!
Oh, yay! I hope you love it. :)
Yay, you’re the first one I know whose package from me arrived!
Yay!! Some tea mail arrived today :) I was trying to get down to about 160 teas tonight (I was getting very close) but due to the generosity of OMGsrsly, I don’t think that will happen. Oh well, I have new teas to try and I am very excited. Thank you OMGsrsly!!
Yay got my Black Friday order from JK tea shop! Lots of interesting Chinese black teas to try out!
I received my swap from FuzzyPeachkin! Super excited to try out the bellocq teas she sent my way :)
Zen Tea showed up today, Friday the 13th was good to me!!!
Some fav of mine, but also a few interesting ones I have never tried before. + I got a gongfu style steeper at a r-i-d-i-c-u-l-u-s price of $3.60 and it looks great, yay BF sales!!!!
OK so I thought I got my BF Teavivre order in the mail. It was being held in postal jail without charges. But when I went to pick it up it was actually a different surprise from Teavivre. About 2 months ago, Angel sent me a PM asking me if I would like to join in on Teavivre’s free tasting activity. I tried to sign up online but it was already full for that month. So Angel told me not to worry, she would add me to the list anyway. I must say, this was completely unsolicited and she contacted me completely out of the blue. Most likely from other posts of Teavivre’s teas that I have made. Anyway I got it in the mail today. I had completely forgotten I was even going to get this I got 3 sample packs each of 5 different teas. WOOT for me!!
On another note. Those who are having problems with Canada Post’s Sponsored Jail Program. One of my client’s is a letter carrier, we were commiserating together about this exact same problem, she thinks it is annoying too. She recommended to me to put out a large Rubbermaid type container underneath or around my mailbox and let my letter carrier know just to put the parcels in there. I have not been able to catch my letter carrier in person because we both work the same hours, so I am putting out a container with a sign on it that says “mail parcels”. Since I am currently waiting for 2 orders, fingers crossed it will work. I will keep you posted.
It would be nice if they had a program like some courriers where you could ask for all parcels to be left regardless of whether they require a signature. We have one here where they scan a sticker on our door as proof of delivery.
I agree. I would cut down on a lot of hassle, and expense, for the receiver and the deliverer.
Just so everyone knows, the whole Rubbermaid container thing doesn’t work. They still just put the notification card in the mailbox and keep the parcel all to themselves. Damn Canadapost. No wonder you’re going broke :\
They’re probably being forced to stick to procedure as the CEO of Canada Post used the argument that people aren’ t home for parcel deliveries and want a ‘secure’ delivery as part of his argument for Community Boxes.
Update. OK so even though the box didn’t initially work, I left it out there. And then my last package from Canada Post was left in the box. So not sure why, maybe a different letter carrier. Maybe because it didn’t need a signature. Not sure, but I am happy they left it.
My Verdant Tea order came in!
1 oz:
Dark Roast 10 Year Aged Tieguanyin
Master Zhang’s 15 Year Aged Tieguanyin
Sichuan Caravan
Eight Treasures Yabao Winter Blend
Unfortunately, I had a slight accident with the Sichuan Caravan and wound up spilling most of the sample on the floor. >.> I’m not sure what happened, but I apparently tried opening the packet twice, once on each end… Yeah, no clue what happened there. >.> Ah well, I did manage to rescue enough for a cup. Definitely going on my shopping list.
Oh no! Very glad to hear the order arrived for you, but I’m sorry to hear about the tumble! I do that same thing myself all the time (I am very good at spilling things)- at least you were able to rescue enough to enjoy a cup :)
My Secret Turkey swap from RogersCK! Stupid post office should have dropped this off a week ago. Instead I had to go rescue it. Boo!
And my Verdant order!
Thus ballooning my count to 163 with not all of my BF orders in yet. I think the only one left is Butiki, but that’s 13 more teas. eep!
We have the same number of teas in our cupboard. High five. And yay for rescuing your Secret Turkey Swap!!
And this right here is why I love Steepster – even if my cupboard gets out of control, I have the reassurance of not being alone in my fixation. Thanks!
Hurray! Glad your order arrived
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