Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
Butiki Black Friday Teas. OMG soooo much tea!!! I don’t know where to start. :p
I don’t often post in this thread, but I felt like making you all jealous ;)
Shelley-Awesome, so glad your package arrived safely!
The Beatles-Probably not. Unfortunately, we are insanely behind but hope to have 95% of the orders out by Monday. We really didn’t anticipate the type of response that we got to our Black Friday Sale. So many teas ran out, teas that had 3 or more months worth of stock were gone within the first day of orders. We have been working overtime to try and get everything out as fast as possible (its 4am here and I just got home) and things are finally starting to fall into place. International and rush orders are our first priority but US orders should arrive quick. The vast majority of Black Friday orders are being sent via USPS Priority,which means once it ships it should only take 3 days at most to arrive.
Thank you,
Aroma Tea Company
for these darling lil cuties ♡
Not exactly in the mail today, but I bought this at the mall yesterday (it’s 4am, that counts as yesterday even though I haven’t slept yet.)
I received my Amoda Butiki Box yesterday. As others have stated, the packaging is amazing. It’s beautiful, well presented, cutest little box, and it had a normal 1.10 stamp on it. This company really has packaging worked out. :))
Has anyone received their Herbal Infusion 12 teas of Christmas yet? I haven’t gotten anything from them since the “order confirmation” email. Just wondering if I should be looking for my order yet?
My Verdant order is in the city but not “out for delivery” – will probably be attempted delivery tomorrow and then in “jail” until Sat.
yeah…few people have commented on not having received any sort of shipping confirmation from HI.
I don’t think I got shipping confirmation with my last order either. Not really worried, just wondering if anyone has gotten it, if/when I should be looking for it.
I placed a Herbal Infusions order on BF and then another on Cyber Monday. Last night I finally got a shipping confirmation for my BF order. Nothing on the Cyber Monday order though.
Do you have any pictures of the box? I’d love to see what it looked like since I keep seeing people talking about it. ^^
VariaTEA – thanks for the info – won’t get excited yet then. Will give it a bit longer.
Shadowfall – I’m at work right now, but can take some pics and post them when I get home. I opened the box but it’s still all together – I’m probably just going to stick a new stamp on it and pass the whole thing onto to someone else….if they still want it.
dexter…you don’t want your amoda box??
Shadowfall – there’s on on the amoda facebook page of the outside of one of their boxes:
if the stupid link works..
I’d be interested in the box dexter if you are passing it along and don’t know who to yet.
I could buy or trade. My actually cupboard is 4 or 5 times what’s listed on steepster so send me a pm if you want to talk.
Sorry Frolic, when I found out what was going to be in the box, I had discussed passing it on with someone. If they don’t want it, will keep you in mind. :))
Edit – My Amoda box has found a new home where it will be loved and appreciated.
For those that were asking. Photos of Amoda Box:
Well Canada Post is on the ball. The delivery people must be working overtime while they still have jobs. My Verdant order arrived, definitely the fastest trip yet. A couple are re-stocks are faves but there are new pu-erh to try. Huzzah!
My Yanabah ordered arrived! I was so happy to restock just as they began a special sale. I ordered all three kinds: traditional, with green tea, and with mint; and another traditional for a Christmas present.
has anyone in the states gotten their amoda box yet? just checking. another day without it, not nervous yet given i’m pretty far away from canada…
OK, Canada Post must have tons of extra people working. I checked my Verdant order earlier today, was in WPG but not “out for delivery”. Came home to two cards in the mail. Had to go to the Post Office to mail off a package – took my cards just in case – and they gave them BOTH to me. Awesome!!!
Verdant order is here!!!! Really excited to try the Yu Lu Yan Chai!!! and I have more Chocolate Genmaicha!!! (My packages are all fine and sealed properly).
I also got an amazing package from Sil today. Thank you so much!!! I knew there was some coming – didn’t expect 25!!! Wow, I need to take some days off and get caught up with my tea drinking. :))
:(( So excited to get my Verdant order – ripped open the package of Yu Lu Yan Chai – I NEVER do that, drink oldest first – and it’s Yu Lu Yan Cha not chai. I know Verdant will correct – they are amazing….
Yeah, I emailed them, I’m sure they will help but no chai tonight (ok it’s not like I don’t have 15 other chai in my house, but everyone is raving about THAT one) – oh well – will find something else.
Thanks for the amazing package you sent.
My Herbal Infusions Order, and Della Terra orders. I would have received one other order but they misdirected it and sent it to Toronto.
Yay!! So jealous because I am waiting for both those orders, hoping they get here before I leave for Florida on Wednesday. I check the mailbox every time I hear someone come up the stairs outside my house. I think people think I am a little crazy. Enjoy your tea :)
That’s awesome!!! I too am waiting for a Herbal Infusion order – hope it gets here soon. Enjoy your teas.
Thanks! I didn’t receive a shipping notice so hopefully both of yours are in the mail and will be at your door stop soon. Herbal Infusions even added a sample on top of the free ounce of the Strawberry Cacao! The Della Terra one made it here in only 5 days which is great as my last order from them took about 12 days!
I hope so too Cavo, we live within about an hour of each other so fingers crossed yours will be there soon!
I received my HI order today made on Oct 26th; still waiting for the Black Friday one, which I was told shipped on Sunday. Note: I spoke with Dan from HI about this, and he said they ran out of the Christmas samplers, and thus the delays for the Black Friday orders. I also didn’t get a mailing notice, however if you email him (info at herbalinfusions dot com), he’ll let you know.
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