Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
My super awesome mom sent along 50 g of Momo Oolong Super Grade from Lupicia as part of a larger care package! Yay! Added bonus is a sample of kirara rice tea. So excited :)
AAAAH my Butiki restock order came in, chock full of freebie samples…including Rhubarb Vanilla Ale and Irish Cream Cheesecake!!!! Funny enough I have a tea party to go to in a bit so I can’t break into them right now but I tell ya, it’s what I want to do. Everything smells so good!
My package arrived from Janelle. Also I got another parcel pick-up slip which is incredibly frustrating because I have been home all day and heard no knocks. I think my mailman is afraid of interacting with me.
ETA: Finally broke my package free from mail jail. Now I have new shirts to wear this week!!
Yay!!! My mailman did deliver a package today – tossed it though the slot in the door. Awesome swap package form OMGsrsly. There are some fun teas in here. Thank you so much!!!!
(I don’t think my cupboard is going to be under 200 anymore….)
I have had an amazing 2 days of tea packages! And I wasn’t expecting any of them to arrive before I leave on my trip! Yesterday, I got my HUGE swap from yyz full of black teas from China that she has found from various sources on Aliexpress and ebay. It’s pretty amazing. It was the fastest Canada to US shipping ever. I wasn’t even watching for it as it had only been 4 days.
Then this morning, the mailman was SUPER early (normally I’m one of the last deliveries), and he had my package from Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company. AND the box from the BBBB ladies packed full of new black teas to try.
A package from English Tea Store: Dorian Grey and Scottish Caramel Toffee Pu-erh. This would be my first pu-erh, so I’m pretty curious.
My mailman actually decided to knock today and that means I got my new glass teapot courtesy of my momma. Now I can really enjoy my bloom teas rather than making them in the gravity steeper, where they can only partially bloom.
OMG, Dexter3657’s box of goodies arrived today and completely puts mine to shame both in that neither of us have any idea where it is via tracking right now aaaand my sent stash is just so sad and small comparatively. She included a thoughtful note explaining why she picked all the (so many!) teas she did to surprise me with. I owe you big Dexter3657! BIG. I was bedridden today so this has turned a disappointing, freezing cold write off of a day into a good one. <3
I’m glad it arrived safely. I’m sure your package will be wonderful – you don’t owe me… I just sent a few teas I thought you would like.
As of this afternoon the package you sent had left the US and entered Canada, but has not cleared customs. It’s fine, being babysat by the wonderful people at CBPS. Why it took a detour though Miami FL though I will never understand. :))
Hope you feel better, getting tea always brightens ones day.
First Della Terra order: peppermint bark with a free sample of carrot cake.
Would have added more to that first order, but I couldn’t decide whether or not I wanted the 12 Days of Christmas sampler box… which I did eventually order, haha.
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