Nina said

Tea tasting events

There are loads of wine tasting events throughout the year, but where are all the tea tasting events? I’m based in the UK and I’m going to a workshop (Jane Pettigrew) this weekend, but I’d like to go to shorter, more informal tea tasting events on a regular basis in order to discover more teas. Any ideas?

14 Replies
Miss Sweet said

You could just ask your local tea house to do a tasting? I found an amazing tea shop while on holiday and they had far too many varieties I wanted to try, so I asked if they would do a tasting with me of their single estate tea range next time I’m there :)

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Nina said

Good plan. I would actually love to work for a tea company, and if I ever did get my dream job that would be the first thing on my list. In the meantime, I’ll keep organising my own events.

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Grinnyguy said

Local tea house? I am in one of the (many) parts of the UK that doesn’t have a local tea house. We are in such a backward country! Nina, if you find/organise any kind of public tea-tasting thing with a tea house/company or whatever, then let me know because I’d love to come!

I feel your pain. We are supposed to be ‘the’ tea drinkers of the world and apart from the fact that PG seems to be the most popular tea speaks a lot. I have found one or two places in the UK that have a decent tea house. If you are ever in Liverpool try out Brew

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Nina said

You know what I just might do that… Will keep all Steepsters updated.

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Nina said

Hey, David, had a look @ Brew. A modern bar focusing on tea? Hoorah!

It’s almost worth the trip to Liverpool :) Great cake too.

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I found the best place at the weekend. If you are ever in London check it out. They also do tea tasting master classes. Amazing!

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Nina said

Hey David, looks great- I’ll be sure to look it up next time I’m in the area. According to word on the block, Postcard teas do great classes too and they’re very good value.

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Marie said

Perhaps an upscale tea tasting party at home? There are wine tasting parties that are really popular, why not teas? Choose a specific tea theme like whites, or lapsang souchongs etc. Everyone can bring a recommended tea they like prepared at the party. Food is optional, and can be chosen as a compliment to the tea. Just an idea.

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Grinnyguy said

I have had a few tea parties where I make a menu with lots of description of the teas that I have and ask people to bring cakes. That way I can introduce people to different types of tea and in general they are very keen to try something new. Unfortunately I don’t know enough people who like tea (at least in northern England) to have a tea party where everyone brings one type of tea with them. There are only so many variants on bagged blends of strong black tea that you want to drink in an evening.

“What have people brought tonight?”
“We have PG tips, Tetley and some Yorkshire Tea. Oh and some PG Decaf… ooh exotic!”

I’m originally from Hartlepool and I love a good tea so it has been known but its not easy when people think you are mental for drinking tea without milk and sugar.

I think Amy has a good idea with although I think you would be the first in the UK to do a tea meetup. Keep me posted if you do.

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Marie said

Grinnyguy – absolutely, blacks may not be the best night time choice. Have you heard of ? Not sure how many UK people participate, but I do believe it’s a global website to find others who share your interest in tea. There shouldn’t be any fees to join meetup itself (create a user id and password), however you will have to pay if you want to create your own group through meetup (great if you want the control of the events as a tea party organizer), or there may or may not be fees associated if you join groups that others have created. I’ve been on meetup now for about four years running a group on psychic development and it’s been a blast! :)

Marie said

I should add that is for people who share interests in different types of activities and is setup in a way for those people to meet in person to do or talk about those very activites. It’s why it is different from steepster, which is not yet event driven in the same way (although that would be an interesting add feature).

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