Iced Tea Pitcher

Hey, wow. I haven’t been here in ages!

I feel like I’ve let you all down by being absent but I’m trying to get back into tea lately (again). One of the ways I was hoping to do this was starting to home brew iced tea. However, I don’t have a pitcher for it.

So. Does anyone know a good iced tea pitcher? I’m looking for 32 oz if possible (or around there) and one with an infuser so I can use loose leaf. Or, barring a pitcher, does anyone have a good idea on how I could make loose leaf, cold brew iced tea?

Thanks in advance guys. I’m gonna try to see if I can make something tonight for a write up. Not sure how good it will go but gonna at least try!

3 Replies
Shae said

I usually make mine using this recipe – – with Samovar’s tall vivid brew pot. I don’t see it on the website anymore, but I’m sure you could find something similar online. It holds 34 ounces.

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Random said

I use a slightly larger 1.5L version of this

The infuser basket has a decent amount of space in it. Seemed a little challenging to clean at first, but I just knock out the wet leaves, set it upside down to dry for about 5 minutes. After that, any leaves still in the basket come out easily.

So far its been working pretty well for me. It can handle boiling water, so you should be able to use it for iced as well as cold brew. I make a new pitcher about 2 or 3 times a week and have been happy with it.

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Kittenna said

I have a Takeya pitcher from DavidsTea that I love. (They sold them before they switched to their own brand, which is not as good.) I believe it’s this one:

The only downside is that the filter is a bit difficult to clean – but if you have a dishwasher, or possibly even a good bottle brush, you’d be fine.

Now I want that pitcher. Hahahahahaha.

Also, what I do is dump a bunch of tea into a 4 cup pyrex measuring cup, steep it, and then pour over ice into the pitcher. For many fruit teas, I leave the tea in the filter in the pitcher, but I remove the filter when there’s actual tea so it doesn’t oversteep.

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