Plastic wrap Sheng puerh cakes?
HI everyone, so I noticed that dry-stored puerh is selling at a premium in Taiwan and in China. On Taobao, Kunming-stored puerh is advertised and selling at a premium. And there are lots of media both in Taiwan and in China on how wet-stored puerh (defined as >80% humidity) is no good and how dry-stored puerh is slower to age but better. Is the dry-storage school winning this classic battle?
Also: should I wrap everything up in plastic? Will cakes age better in plastic wrap?
Okay, thanks mrmopar. That’s very useful specific clear instruction. Can you share a little bit how that has worked for you? 72% so you are getting the aged tastes fast and no mold? The aged tastes is your personal preference?
Also where do you get good and cheap boveda packs? Thanks.
I haven’t had any issues on 72%. I would just do what you are comfortable with. Aged taste is always way slower in the US as opposed to and Asian climate. Lately I have been sourcing and buying teas aged in Asia. Most from Taiwan. I guess it is more about about maintaining the teas with age already on them.
Bovedas are a bit pricey but so are the cakes I invest in. Amazon and eBay prices are about the same. Just depends on where you want to get them from.
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