Newbie with questions about unfinished tea session….
This happens to me often. I have been practicing my skills with gongfucha for about a year now. Oftentimes, because of my schedule, I am able to steep my tea several times but have to leave for whatever reason (mostly work). I could just get up earlier but…that’s not why I’m writing this post, ha! Even after a few steeps I know the leaves are still steepable. What can I do to keep the leaves from day one to day two or morning to evening? For now I’ve been leaving them in the pot or gaiwan with the lid on and just resteeping when I get home. This seems silly to ask but it’s a genuine question coming from a genuine place (please leave snarky comments somewhere else). Should I put in the fridge? Leave out but with lid on as I’ve been doing? I am too cheapo to toss the leaves out (unless they’re truly donezo). I know the purpose of Gongfu is to slow down—been wondering if I should switch up the method to just western brewing then with my nice teas (but where’s the fun in that, ha)!
Any creative ideas, or stories yourself would be helpful! Again, no snarky comments please and thank you. A genuine question from a genuinely curious human :) .
Leave them in covered or put them on a plate and let them dry a bit. I do several days if I have the right tea going.
Sometimes I’ll just dump what’s left into a go cup and see how it does grandpa style. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.
@Michelle — thank you!!! And yes, I have a nice collection myself BUT I’m always down to try more. DM me, I can also send some tea your way as well! I have so much tea I just haven’t gotten around to drinking all of it and am willing to give some away to someone else knowing they’d actually drink it :)
I have this issue sometimes as well. I let the leaves sit in my uncovered teapot overnight and finish the session in the morning. If I don’t get around to it that day, I’ll toss the tea after 24 hours to avoid getting mold in my nice porcelain and clay teaware. If the tea isn’t that great, I’ll do a cold brew overnight to finish it off. Hope that helps!
Yes, it does help! Thanks @Leafhopper. Sometimes it’s nice just knowing you’re not alone in the things you do haha :)
I accidentally left some very nice Mi Xiang Hongcha from Camellia Sinensis in my little porcelain teapot while I was away for two days. There’s probably two or three good gongfu steeps there and it doesn’t smell moldy, but …
Do I dare? :P
I wimped out and chucked it. I have (too) many teas, but only one functioning GI tract. :)
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