Canada Only Tea Swap Thread (?)
So I perused the main tea swap thread, but seeing as so many people are unable to ship to Canada I thought it might be interesting to have an above the border swap area. : ) Forgive me if this has already been done or is redundant. Pretty much the same idea, reply with any teas you want to trade/are looking for, and work it out among yourselves?
Totally down for this!
Here’s what I’ve got off-hand from recent orders that need new homes.
- Della Terra Teas Ginger Snap (not sure what size this is? it was the free sample. I’d guess 20g?) BN, sealed.
- Butiki Teas Pistachio Ice Cream (20g, used 1teaspoon).
- DT Coffee Pu’erh (5g, basically 1.5 teaspoon/1 serving) BN, sealed.
- DT Chai Guarana (5g, basically 1.5 teaspoon/1 serving) BN, sealed.
I’m interested in the Pistachio Ice Cream. Let me know if there’s anything in my cupboard you like and I’ll let you know if I have enough to trade.
It’s cheaper for Canadians to swap to the US. Just a heads up.
I was informed today rates are increasing as of next week.
And that they are abolishing the small packet US stuff. So we can still mail it, but it’ll probably be more.
Use bigger envelops to make them thinner & if they can pass stuff through the plastic thingy then they cost $1.29.
January 14th the rates go up – and you’re right. Usually it’s cheaper to mail to US than in Canada. I hate Canada Post.
Unless it’s thin enough to go light packet. Which I find it usually is, because I use ziploc bags to send samples and I line them up side by side so the bubblemailer is as flat as possible. Ive been swapping since 2008 (books, clothes, makeup) so I actually have a VentureOne small business card that gets me cheap shipping too. :D
OK, that is dumb! LOL
I swap to Canada all the time – doesn’t seem like more $$$ to me.
Lol no darby you can send to use cheap, we can send to you cheap. If it’s not a thin packet it costs more to stay in Canada.
Today I mailed something to the US & within Canada, the package to the US weighed about3-4 times as much as the Canadian package & I paid more than double to mail the Canadian one.
So would I be looking for flat rate bubble envelopes? And do I need US/CA stamps? Never shipped from within canada this year.
We don’t have flat rate envelopes in Cananda. If you use bubble mailers make sure they are thin enough to fit through a mail slot, they test it at the post office. If you’re mailing within Canada a Canadian stamp is fine. To the US you can use Canadian ones it just depends. I always go to the post office, because I don’t want stuff returned to me for not having the right postage.
Yeah I second this – pick up a bubble envelope from the dollar store or the post office, fill it up and address it, then go to the post office to send it off. They’ll help you put the exact amount of postage, etc!
I’m definitely interested! Not sure what I’ve got but most of my cupboard is swapable if anyone is interested. As for mailing, the problem with the 1.29 packaging is it can break the tea leaves. I’ve had a couple swaps where I got dust and fannings because of Canada Post.
And if they’re eliminating Small Parcel to the US that is going to suck SO hard. It’s the only saving grace!
For the $1.29, I use a bubble envelope and roll tiny ziplocs up in it. It works pretty well, although I can imagine that if the leaves are quite long/delicate it would break them (e.g. most DavidsTea’s are fine, but I’d hesitate to send anything except a pu’erh from Verdant like this)
Hey guys,
I have a few teas I was hoping to swap out. Specifically:
David’s Tea (Organic) Cherry Cola – 50 g
David’s Tea Read My Lips – 80 g
David’s Tea (Organic) Saigon Chai – 25 g
Teavana’s Sweet Fruit Garden – 20 g
Teavana’s Strawberry Lemonade – 40 g
Teavana’s Cococaramel Sea Salt – 45 g
However, I am also willing to swap a number of the teas in my cupboard.
I am particularly interested in trying Red Leaf’s flavored matchas but really I am open to all teas.
Rachel – Would you follow me so that we can PM to discuss – I’m interested in Chocolate Bananas Foster, but I don’t have RL matcha. I have lots of other teas……
I have red leaf matcha I can share. Ie send to Rachel for dexter lol. Silly I know but I’d be happy to send matcha to Rachel, Rachel can send dexter bananas foster and dexter can send me something someday lol
That is so kind Sil but Dexter had a lot of other stuff to offer including teas and great advice to a newbie. I already have the teas packaged and ready to be mailed later today. Perhaps there is something you would be interested in to swap for some samples of the matcha. I actually have never tried matcha but I was reading so many positive reviews about the various different flavors that I was interested in trying it just to see if it’s something I would want to order or not. Check out my cupboard and let me know if anything appeals to you :)
Sil – I already have a box started with your name on it – I’m sure there will be tea coming your way from me in the very near future……(I’ve been buying again)
Rachel – I’m packaging up some stuff for you right now, and as for the advice – lol take it or leave it, just trying to help you avoid some of the mistakes I made as a newbie.
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