2021: Sipdown Progress Thread

189 Replies

Upcoming September Prompts:

September Theme: Sampler September! – During this transitional period between summer cold brews and cozy warm fall cuppas, focus on all your sampler-sized teas, or packages of tea with only a few cups left!

And a few funsy days! Feel free to scavenger hunt through your cupboard and find a cuppa to drink that fits the theme for each of these days!

Saturday, September 4th: National Spice Blend Day – Drink a spiced tea/“chai”!
Wednesday, September 8th: National Ampersand Day – Drink a tea with “and” in the title!
Sunday, September 12th: National Grandparent’s Day – Drink a tea that reminds you of a grandparent!
Sunday, September 19th: Talk Like a Pirate Day – Yarr! Add some pirate lingo into your tea review today, matey!
Sunday, September 26th: National Pancake Day – Drink a maple-flavored tea or a tea with maple flavor notes!


These are so fun!

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January Sipdowns: 34
February Sipdowns: 30
March Sipdowns: 22
April Sipdowns: 29
May Sipdowns: 17
June Sipdowns: 21
July Sipdowns: 10
August Sipdowns: 25
September Sipdowns: 21

Yearly Total: 209

New Sipdowns:

Chrysanthemum Blossom Silver Needle by Tea Chai Te (30g package)
Cranberry Crush by TeaSource (50g package)
Genmaicha with Matcha by Jugetsudo (single-serve teabag sampler)
Glazed Lemon Loaf by Tazo (30g of teabags)
Golden Assam by Jasmine Pearl Tea (15g sampler)
Guizhou Wild Tree Mao Jian by Qi Fine Teas (sampler)
Hojicha by Jugetsudo (single-serve teabag sampler)
Holy Detox by International Tea Importers (c/o Snake River Tea) (30g package)
House Blend Wakocha Japanese Black Tea by Yunomi (single-serve sampler)
Huckleberry Happiness by Plum Deluxe (single-serve sampler)
Lavender White by Lupicia (50g package)
Licorice & Cinnamon by Pukka (40g package of teabags)
Mint and Green Chai by Tea Chai Te (30g package)
Momo Oolong Super Grade by Lupicia (50g package)
Pu’erh by Taoist Tai Chi Society (single-serve sampler)
Pumpkin Pasty by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Rose City by Cup of Tea (sampler)
Sencha Asa by Jugetsudo (single-server teabag sampler)
Tender Loving Care by Plum Deluxe (single-serve sampler)
White Chocolate Puer by TeaSource (50g package)
Ya Bao by TeaSource (50g package)

Total: Approx. 450g cleared out during September!

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Upcoming October prompts:

October Theme: Trick or Treat! – This month, focus on either old favorites and indulgent dessert teas, or work on just getting through those last few cuppas of that old tea in the back of the cupboard you’ve never really cared for… or feel free to drink a bit of both!

And a few funsy days! Feel free to scavenger hunt through your cupboard and find a cuppa to drink that fits the theme for each of these days!

Saturday, October 9th: National Chess Day – Drink either a black tea or a white tea! (Or both, if you are so inclined!)
Sunday, October 10th: World Mental Health Day – Drink a favorite spirit-lifting comfort tea!
Sunday, October 17th: National Mulligan Day – Give a tea you weren’t crazy about the first time a second chance!
Tuesday, October 26th: National Pumpkin Day – Drink a pumpkin-flavored tea or a tea with pumpkin flavor notes!
Sunday, October 31st: Halloween – Drink a dessert tea!

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January Sipdowns: 34
February Sipdowns: 30
March Sipdowns: 22
April Sipdowns: 29
May Sipdowns: 17
June Sipdowns: 21
July Sipdowns: 10
August Sipdowns: 25
September Sipdowns: 21
October Sipdowns: 12

Yearly Total: 221

New Sipdowns:

Canadian Breakfast by Murchie’s Tea & Coffee (50g package)
Candied Yams by Bird & Blend Tea Co (70g package)
Cauldron Cake Genmaicha by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Fez by Steven Smith Teamaker (30g of teabags)
Gold Blend by Barry’s (125g of teabags)
Lavender Gelato by Murchie’s Tea & Coffee (50g package)
Pink Lemonade by Murchie’s Tea & Coffee (50g package)
Pomegranate Black by TeaSource (30g package)
Pumpkin Spice Chai by Tea Chai Te (80g package)
Risheehat Estate 2nd Flush TGBOP by Upton Tea Imports (sampler)
Shou Puer Tuo Cha by TeaSource (50g package)
Sugabow Gyokuro Karigane Hojicha by Yamane-en Tea Shop c/o Yunomi (30g sampler package)

Total: Approx. 580g cleared out during October!

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Tiffany :) said

Curious to see what November prompts will be!?! :)

I won’t be doing this same sort of thing again next year, as it seems interest really petered out after the first few months… but I’ll at least see out 2021. :-)

November Theme: Thankful for Tea – Happy National Gratitude Month! This month, focus on teas that made their way to your cupboard through the kindness of others! Tea gifts, group order purchases, tea box teas, exchange samples… aren’t you thankful for this amazing tea community?

And a few funsy days! Feel free to scavenger hunt through your cupboard and find a cuppa to drink that fits the theme for each of these days!

Friday, November 5th: Bonfire Night – Drink a tea with smokey or roasted flavor notes!
Saturday, November 13th: National Hug a Musician Day – Pair a tea to a musician of your choice!
Saturday, November 20th: National Absurdity Day – Drink your strangest tea blend!
Thursday, November 25th: Thanksgiving – Drink a tea with flavor notes of a favorite Thanksgiving dish!
Sunday, November 28th: National French Toast Day – Drink a tea with flavor notes of a French Toast topping!

Tiffany :) said

I absolutely loved you doing this and it was totally my life being too insane (I haven’t even posted on steepster myself since June). I am so thankful for all YOU and all the work you’ve put into doing this and I understand you wouldn’t do this again next year. I hope you at least post the basic thread so we can all chat together on here about our sipdowns.. this community and the Instagram community (which I know you don’t do IG) tea wise is so kind. :)

There will still be a “keep track” thread. I just am not going to do the “theme” stuff, or at least not in the sort of iteration it was done this year.

I get it, Mastress Alita! I have had fun doing the themes, and appreciate the ideas. No need to do them next year… though I would have kept doing them if you kept posting them. :D

Also really liked the themes unfortunately lately life has also been a bit crazy as well as health flare-ups. You put a lot of work into doing this and I understand. Covid slowed life down for a bit but things are starting to get back to normal or our new normal anyway. (: A monthly theme might be easier for people.

Shae said

I know this has been a lot of work this year. Thank you for putting it together for all of us!

Crowkettle said

I love the themes, but totally picked up on them and this thread a little late in the year. Really appreciate all the effort and creativity you put into it this year, Mastress Alita! :)

Kittenna said

Just want to chime in that I really loved this idea and appreciate the effort it took! I’ve been too occupied to participate fully this year but feel like maybe some of the ideas can be built on for next year! (I particularly loved the month of drinking the alphabet, although I believe that’s smack dab in the middle of where I got completely derailed.)

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January Sipdowns: 34
February Sipdowns: 30
March Sipdowns: 22
April Sipdowns: 29
May Sipdowns: 17
June Sipdowns: 21
July Sipdowns: 10
August Sipdowns: 25
September Sipdowns: 21
October Sipdowns: 12
November Sipdowns: 17

Yearly Total: 238

New Sipdowns:

Carrot Cake by Bird & Blend Tea Co. (50g package)
Culinary Organic Matcha by Mizuba Tea Co. (100g package)
Double Bergamot Earl Grey by Stash (30g package of teabags)
Field in Innsbruck, A by August Uncommon Teas (30g package)
Glengettie Black Tea by Glengettie (125g package of teabags)
Lavender Vanilla Rooibos by Snake River Tea (30g package)
Malabar Estate Java OP Clonal by Upton Tea Imports (25g package from Meowster)
Midnight in the Garden by August Uncommon Teas (30g package)
Momoko by Lupicia (50g package)
Psychocandy by August Uncommon Tea (60g package)
Sakura no Kaori no Ryokucha by Fukujuen (40g package)
Sakura no Kocha by Fukujuen (40g package)
Smoked Maple Chai by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Spa Day by Snake River Tea (30g package)
Thurbo Estate FTGFOP1 Moonlight First Flush by Upton Tea Imports (sampler from Meowster)
Yunnan Rose Flowers and Big Snow Mountain Black Tea Dragon Ball (sampler from Derk)
White Cosmo by Capital Teas (50g package)

Total: Approx. 710g cleared out during November!

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Here are my current counts:

January – 84
February – 47
March – 49
April – 18
May – 17
June – 20
July – 2
August – 4
September – 15
October – 25
November -

Current Month Goal: 40
Total – 281

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I see the December prompts are up in the main thread. Again, thanks for inventing all these theme days for the year! It was fun.

Shae said

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s oldest tea. That’s a fun idea!

Those of us with aged puerh can go waaaaay back with an old tea :)

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January Sipdowns: 34
February Sipdowns: 30
March Sipdowns: 22
April Sipdowns: 29
May Sipdowns: 17
June Sipdowns: 21
July Sipdowns: 10
August Sipdowns: 25
September Sipdowns: 21
October Sipdowns: 12
November Sipdowns: 17
December Sipdowns: 26

Yearly Total: 264

New Sipdowns:

Blackberry Custard Tart Green Tea by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Candy Cane Truffle by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Caramel and Rum by Lupicia (50g package)
Caramel Monkey Bread Rooibos by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Cherry Cola Honeybush by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Chestnut Praline Green Tea by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Chocolate, Hazelnut, and Strawberry Honeybush by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Chocolate Orange Cannoli by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Christmas Tea Cake by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Cranberry Blush Green Tea by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Crisp Cranberry Soda by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Eggnog Mate by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Eldberry Blackberry by Tazo (35g package of teabags)
Ginger Pear by DAVIDsTEA (50g package)
Gingerbread Brulee by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Instant Thai Iced Tea by DeDe (24 powdered packages)
Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Pink Lemonade by Capital Teas (50g package)
Spiced Rum Raisin Cake by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Sticky Fig Oolong by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Strawberry Basil Lemondade by 52Teas (50g package)
Sun and Cloud Mist Green Tea by 52Teas (50g package)
Vanilla Rose Chai by Tea Chai Te (50g package)
Wild Apple Sarsaparilla by Tazo (sampler from gmathis)
Winter Mint Oolong by 52Teas (15g sampler)
Yunnan Eggnog by 52Teas (15g sampler)

Total: Approx. 610g cleared out during December!

Currently Working On:

Chocolate Mate Chai by Tea Chai Te (30g package)
Library Blend by Murchies Fine Tea and Coffee (50g package)
Roasted Mate Guarana Chai by Tea Chai Te (30g package)
Rosemint Cocoa by Tap Twice Tea (25g package)

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Tiffany :) said

December: [goal 50]
November: [goal 50]
October: 48 (406 total as of 10/30) [goal 50 aka end of the month 408]
September: 40 (358 total as of 9/30) [forget my goal, will have to look up]
August: 31 (318 total as of 8/31) [goal 46 aka end of month 333]
July: 33 (287 total as of 7/31) [goal 46 aka end of the month 300]
June: 34 (254 total as of 6/30) [goal 60 aka end of the month 280]
May: 44 (220 total as of 5/31) [goal 54 aka end of the month: 230]
April: 47 (176 total as of 4/30) [goal 71 aka for the end of the month: 200]
March: 45 (129 total as of 3/31) [goal 100 aka for end of the month: 184]
February: 51 (84 total as of 2/28) [goal for end of the month: 84]
January: 33 [goal for end of the month: 42]

Yearly Total: 406 (goal for 2021 is 500)

New Sipdowns:

Total: Approx. xxxg cleared out during December!

Currently Working On:

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