2020 International Virtual Tea Festival
My class started 5 minutes ago and I never got access to it. I have asked for help 3x on the conversation area and once in the “get support” area. This is awful. Worst virtual tea festival ever.
They seem to be new to the platform and zoom. It could be that they don’t know. See if you can reach out a different way
Those were all the ways they gave to ask for help. I commented in the chat of a free class too. They finally updated my account 20 minutes into my class and then the class didn’t have audio for the next 10 minutes other than the random clinking of a cup, some shuffling and computer noises. I’m asking for a refund.
I am only doing free content and have already watched lots of programming (with lots still left I want to watch). I have issues with “live” Zoom but they post as “static” (non-live) videos later and I just watch them then. (My laptop seems to have buffering issues with live feeds but no issue at all with anything “pre-recorded”… and there are TONS of pre-recorded, free videos already available).
Here is a reference list of all the Vendors from the Vendor Floor for the International Virtual Tea Festival. Some are well known, others are very small, independant “mom and pop” types. Feel free to peruse their sites if you wish.
(Note I am not endorsing any vendor; I am grateful to each one for taking their time to participate in this event).
Anna Marie’s Teas https://www.annateashop.com/
Australian Tea Masters http://australianteamasters.com.au/
Being Tea: Tea Education, Training, and Experience https://beingtea.com/
Bellasia Tea: Tea for Kids https://www.bellasiatea.com/
Blue Monkey Tea Company http://www.bluemonkeytea.com/
The Communi-Tea https://www.facebook.com/groups/chicagocommunitea
Cultivate Taste Tea https://cultivatetaste.com/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/CultivateTaste
The Dragon’s Treasure: Premiere Anime Themed Tea Company https://www.thedragonstreasure.com/ http://www.youtube.com/c/thedragonstreasure
Effies Homemade https://effieshomemade.com/
Elite Designs KC: Tea-themed shirts https://www.elitedesignskc.com/tea-collection
Emilie’s French Teas http://www.emiliesfrenchteas.com/
Erika’s Tea Room http://www.erikastearoom.com/
Fanchion K’s Tea Time https://fanchionkteatime.com/
Flying Plum Tree Studio: Handmade Teaware http://etsy.com/shop/FlyingPlumtreeStudio
Glenburn Fine Indian Tea https://www.glenburnfinetea.com/shop/loose-leaf-tea
The Great Mississippi Tea Company https://greatmsteacompany.myshopify.com/
Herbal Alchemy Teahouse and More https://herbalalchemyteahouse.webs.com/
International Tea Sippers Society https://teasipperssociety.com/
Ion Teas https://ionteas.com/
Japanese Green Tea Co. https://www.japanesegreenteain.com/
LILIKU TEA: Japanese Green Tea https://lilikutea.com/
Mana Organics: Assam Tea https://www.manaorganics-usa.com/
Nepal Tea https://nepalteallc.com/
Persnicke Tea https://www.persnicketea.com/
Plum Deluxe https://www.plumdeluxe.com/
Ruby Lion http://www.rubylioninc.com/
Sally’s Parlor https://www.sallysparlor.com/
Serene Tea Cha: Specializing in Dan Cong oolongs, aged white teas, and handmade teaware https://serenetea-cha.com/
Shang Tea: Fujian teas https://www.shangtea.com/
Simpson & Vail https://www.svtea.com/
Single Origin Teas https://www.singleoriginteas.com/Default.asp
Sono Organic: Japanese teas https://sono-organic.com/shop/
Taste All the Teas: Tea Event Production Company https://international-virtual-tea-festival.myshopify.com/
Tea and Whimsey, Inc. http://www.teaandwhimsey.com/
Tea Cozy https://www.teacozy.biz/
The Tea House http://www.theteahouse.com/
Tea Journey: Online Tea Magazine https://teajourney.pub/
Tea Market https://www.teamarket.com/
The Tea Smith https://www.theteasmith.com/
The Tea Spot https://www.theteaspot.com/
Tea Thoughts: Tea-themed Products and Accessories: https://teathoughts.shop/
Tea Time Magazine: Published Tea Magazine https://www.teatimemagazine.com/
Tea Xotics https://teaxotics.com/
TEA.L: Tealotion, Tea-based Skincare https://tealotion.com/
TeaGschwendner https://shop.tgtea.com/
tealeaf https://tealeafglobal.com/
Tealula https://tealula.com/
TeaSource https://www.teasource.com/
Tillerman Tea https://tillermantea.net/
Yunomi.life https://yunomi.life/
Woo, thanks for sharing. I will go through them and check them out. Probably won’t order right now, but saving as a bookmark for future reference, why not? I always want to make an order in completely unknown company, haha!
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