The Future of Steepster

270 Replies

And now they have deleted the Profile page of my main account, so it looks like this:

I notice this also happened to my friend Todd’s account, so it isn’t just me. I highly recommended you guys back up your Profile text if it means anything to you. (I actually have a backup of that text, so jokes on you, Adagio…)

I have to say, I feel like I’m essentially being treated like a spammer, when I’ve contributed over 600 legit tea reviews to the site since 2017, while actual spammers are continuing to make new accounts continuously…

So… my ability to post threads/comments/replies has suddenly been removed, my profile was suddenly removed… I mean… if you don’t want me here, the quality of the site presently is already speaking for itself, Adagio. Just saying.

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So I was able to use my real account to post a comment on a tea review, but still no dice for the message boards. Never had any problem with it before, could even do it up to even mid-day yesterday, but now… Noooooooooope!

Now around half the people I follow have their Profiles deleted. These people aren’t spammers, and are normal, contributing users of the site, some for quite a long time. Accounts I see affected thus far:

Melissa Winigman
Martin Bednar
Shanie O Maniac
Daylon R Thomas

Remember when we were told none of our data would be removed…? Back up your stuff now. Anything you’ve put on this site, back it up while you still have access and it is there!

AdagioTeas said

Hi, we are very sorry about the loss of the profiles at this moment. However, while in the process of cleaning up the database some of these have been temporarily removed. Please know that these will be restored as soon as we can.

Our apologies for the inconvenience!

AJ said

Were these individuals contact and alerted about the temporary removal of their accounts? If Mastress’ post is anything to go by, it looks like it was just dumped on them and they were left wondering why their accounts were suddenly missing. Assuming an email address is linked to each, an automated email would be the minimum courtesy.

Ugh, I hate not being able to just post replies from my normal account… Switching accounts just to use the forums is not fun, y’all…

To reiterate, the entire account is just fine, accessible, and the tea reviews (for now, at least!) are still accessible (before anyone takes what I said out of context). It’s the Profile Information that is missing, please look at this screencap that I posted above:

I could post what mine used to say before I suddenly saw it had been replaced with “blank” (since I had a backup of it) but I’ll spare you.

Can’t speak for anyone else, but at least I and Todd (toddashi) received no contact/e-mail/anything of the sort. Just poof Profile information was gone.

teepland said

Thanks, Mastress Alita, for posting this comment! I had previously subscribed to this thread, and I was still receiving notifications in my email from the thread, but I’ve been unable to login for at least a week. I saw your post today that my account was missing, so I attempted to log in once again — was finally able to! It looks like my profile still exists and is active. I was hoping my account would still exist since I was still receiving the emails from my subscription, but you never know…

AdagioTeas said

Again, we are very sorry about how we have to tackle this. Unfortunately, the database is so clogged up that we are having trouble accessing information at all. This means that we could not even see the email addresses associated with the accounts in order to notify anyone. We want to reiterate that this is TEMPORARY. Once we clean everything up, information WILL BE RESTORED.

This has not been an easy process and we are doing all we can to ensure that your accounts and information remain intact for future use.

teepland said

AdagioTeas, does that mean you’ll also eventually turn SSL back on? I am very concerned about logging into accounts on unsecured URLs…

AdagioTeas said

Yes, we are working on security as quickly as possible.

mastressalitaclone, thank you for your concern. Fortunately my profile is not deleted (although it’s missing the Bio section). I’m not giving up on Steepster and will return to reviewing after the site improves a little.

Dreamloomer the bio section is what she’s referring to as your profile, not the account as a whole.

I’m getting the impression no one on Steepster has even looked at the Profiles, despite the fact all these people actually had them filled out (I actually read them, and noticed right away when they were missing!) Given that I explained again, in bold text, it was the Profile Information I was referring too, and not anyone’s accounts or tea information, with a screencap to show exactly what I meant, and yet now I’ve been “corrected” three times… That is what it is called, right?

And while some folks have already had theirs restored, mine certainly hasn’t… and I still can’t post to the message boards. I’m starting to question if I’ll continue using the site myself given my usability has only gotten worse, or if I’ll go back to my old Wordpress blog that I originally left to join Steepster back in 2017…

(The fact someone would call me “mastressalitaclone” just because I can no longer post with my real, active, long-time account shatters my heart…)

Jason select said

Sorry to hear about all the troubles. FWIW, we don’t have a specific term for what you’re referring to, but the label above that info does say “Profile” so calling it your profile information makes perfect sense to me :)

I know Tom is working on the issues and don’t want to speak for him, but I can assure you any info not being available, wether that’s profile info, tasting notes, comments, discussions, etc, essentially anything anyone has submitted to the site, is a temporary issue. All the information is one of the biggest values Steepster has and so they definitely want to keep it to support everyone.

I’ll also say, I wouldn’t be surprised if things get a bit worse before they get better, to no fault of Adagio’s. This stuff is pretty complicated and it will take a serious effort to really get everything working as originally intended. I hope for your sake and the sake of Steepster and everyone else here that you’re able to bear with the inconvenience for a bit longer. While I completely understand how you’re feeling and know you’re totally justified, I know it’d be a shame to lose you and the other users like you.

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AdagioTeas said

Hi All,

We would like to get your feedback on our effort to de-clog Steepster. At the present moment there are over 8200 companies listed in the database. This overwhelming number slows down the site and causes some issues. There are quite a few companies listed that either only have 1 or 2 teas/tasting notes or aren’t even tea companies at all, but rather restaurants or other business, etc.

Our question is whether you would prefer to keep ALL the companies as is, or for us to purge the extraneous ones that have only 1 tasting note from 6 years ago, for example.

This is all in an effort to make the website more efficient going forward, not an attempt to remove useful, relevant data.

Shae said

My personal preference would be to keep all tasting notes, even the older ones. I know a lot of the tea companies (and teas) listed are duplicates so perhaps combining those would help (but without losing any notes or tea listings). Also, there are so many spam accounts so I’m not sure if those are part of the 8200 you mentioned, but that would definitely help with the cleanup if those were removed. I think the moderators have been working on some of this in the thread A Steepster Cleanup Initiative. It might be helpful if you haven’t seen it yet.

AdagioTeas said

Here is an example of what we are talking about:

21 blends, no reviews, no images… How should we handle this type of information?

Shae said

I don’t see this company online and the user who added them is showing blank for me. Could it be spam?

Angrboda said

On the Cleanup Initiative thread there are listed a bunch of company headings that are now empty, because we’ve been moving duplicates together, and trying to gather all the obvious spam in one spot. What if you start with that and then see?
I’d be okay with removing the Discover Russia ones if they’re truly empty, but if they have notes on them, even old ones, or someone added them to their cupboard or wishlist, then I’d feel a little uncomfortable removing it. (ETA to clarify: I’d feel uncomfortable about removing something with just one old note on it, because that is also true for many of my posts for things that I bought locally, because, hi! Danish!)

Right, don’t forget someone may have made entries to add a tea to their Cupboard for inventory purposes (and hasn’t made a note yet) or made an entry to add a tea to their Wishlist.

If the entry has “0 Tasting Notes”, “0 Want It”, and “0 Own It”, and no other information about the tea (ingredients, blend info, steeping instructions, some other notes/data in the info field), then I’d say it is probably fine to remove (if no data is currently linked to the item, I personally don’t see anything being lost). If there is some data linked to that item, no matter how small, no matter how old, I believe it has a right to stay.

But yes, we did do a lot of work over on that Cleanup Initiative Thread. (Granted, I didn’t get very far in what I was doing before the site went poof…)

Does anyone know a workaround for the infinite “Posting…” error? I’m going nuts not being able to post on the forums anymore from my normal account, and hate having to switch accounts constantly just to use the forums! If someone knows a workaround, please please please let me know!

Personally, I am not comfortable with removing companies from the database – even if they only have one or two tasting notes/no notes or are places like restaurants.

In same cases, Steepster is the only database of information for companies that either don’t have websites with their tea information or that have discontinued tea and removed them from their website. Some companies have closed up shop entirely and so their websites no longer function and there is no record of their teas outside of what was captured on Steepster (even if there are no tasting notes for the tea) – the first one that comes to mind is RiverTea. It feels wrong to purge that information.

For restaurants, many have seasonal/limited and specialty drinks/services and once those drinks are off the menu what happens to be on Steepster could be the only reference of those drinks/tea offerings. Even restaurants that carry specific teas as part of their core menu are valuable to have for the information/reviews/etc…

The only thing I would feel comfortable removing are things that are entirely not tea related – but in that case, wouldn’t that likely fall under spam?

teepland said

I would support removing any vendors that no longer have products listed, or products that do not have tasting notes or are not part of a user’s wish list or cupboard. Those can always be added back in by a future user who wants to track them. If no one has tracked them in any way, there’s no need to clutter the database.

If someone has added any pertinent data to the database about the vendor/product (tasting notes/wish list/cupboard), then those records should remain, even if they are old or the product has only been tracked one time. Any tracking data like notes or lists are there because someone wants that data tracked—either for themselves or for the benefit of others.

Just wanted to throw it out there, but…

The “Discover Russia” example might seem to be “empty” tea pages at first glance, but someone has taken the time/effort to fill in a tea type for every single tea page by that company. This could very well be the case of someone attempting to catalog their local “Mom & Pop Shop” tea company or purchases from a tea company from somewhere they traveled to. The information to “fully” fill in the pages may simply have not been available. It’s not uncommon for small/local companies to only put the tea name and type on the their packaging, and to not have websites to pull information from.

We don’t know the full story, and without knowing it we can’t decide what the actual value of the information is to the user who took the time to do that. I don’t think the best route is to assume that there’s no value…

Inkling said

Please don’t delete any tasting notes!!! I’d personally be fine with removing companies/teas that don’t have any user data attached to them (as several others have mentioned), but tasting notes are like a journal or blog for many of us tracking our tea journey and that data should be maintained, even if the teas/companies referenced no longer exist.

OMGsrsly said

Thee are lots of duplicates as well. I noticed that a shop I have several teas from has 3 entries on Steepster because everyone calls it something slightly different. There is a lot of cleaning up to do, and deleting doesn’t seem like a good idea. I know that if my notes started disappearing I would be super annoyed, and I’m not even a super active user anymore.

Ubacat said

Maybe there’s a way to archive them but not have them come up right away on tea searches? I know I have a different opinion than others but I find it annoying when I’m searching for a type of tea and old tea notes and tea companies come up.

teaddict said

That’s trivial to fix; just set it up so you can sort newest posts first.

Sometimes those oldest notes are the most useful. But it will definitely help people looking for teas they can buy right now to have the newest posts first. Just don’t kill the oldest ones.

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I am avoiding logging in again until the site seems secure… so bye for now. (Mastress Alita – this is awesome work you are doing thank you but maybe you also should ignore the site for a while, just for your own librarian mental state. :D)

But I logged in to say: if so many profiles are missing right now, as an example, would there really be no tasting notes under Discover Russia teas? Or are they only temporarily invisible like some of the profiles are gone temporarily? Of course, I’m not seeing what admins are seeing. I would say it is better to consolidate things like the “steepster cleanup initiative” has been doing. I’ve been adding info to this site for eleven years, so six years seems like a drop in the bucket to me. SOMEONE added the info… unless it was a clear spammer, I say leave it.

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Carolyn said

I just want to add my thanks to Adagio for taking this over and fixing the problems. And my sincere thanks to Jason and Mike. Without Steepster I wouldn’t be a tea drinker today. This site allowed me to learn what I needed to learn and to keep track of the teas I was drinking. I also participated in some of the early tea swaps which were invaluable in teaching me how to figure out what teas I loved and those that didn’t speak to me.

I had a moment of true panic when the site was down today, but I’m glad to see it was a glitch. If I can help in any way, let me know.

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Leafhopper said

I’m also not comfortable with removing genuine businesses with one or two notes. These notes may be from users who want to hang on to them or may be the only record that a vendor existed. However, as others have said, some companies have duplicate entries that can be merged (there’s a Camelia Sinensis, for example).

It’s very disheartening to see so many people on the FB/Twitter posts that are pro purge. It maybe makes me an asshole/elitist to say, but the mass majority of people responding on FB right now are not active users and haven’t been for years – I feel like if you’re not an active user, you probably shouldn’t get as much weight behind your ‘vote’…

Considering so many of the “regular, longtime users” can’t even access the site right now, either a) due to the instability, b) because they don’t know or don’t feel comfortable about the lack of the SSL, or c) can’t post to the forums due to the errors, that gives that userbase even less of a voice…

Shae said

I didn’t realize they had posted to Facebook and Twitter so going over now to throw in my two cents. I tend to agree with Roswell about giving preference to active users. I hope Adagio is taking our concerns here into consideration as much as those on FB at least, since we have been here fighting for the site since before the official takeover.

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teaddict said

Purging will break links to the history of my tea drinking, and the teas friends recommended. I am at more interested in long-term threads and tasting notes over time on different teas whether or not they are from a company currently doing business. The history matters.

DO NOT PURGE. That said, I am scooping up all of my notes and content and assuming it will be purged and ruined as TeaChat was purged and ruined.

Current only is not best when your subject has thousands of years of history, most of which is difficult to access in English.

AdagioTeas said

We understand your concerns. The type of “purging” that is being discussed is NOT across the board. But would entail removing companies without any content. (i.e. no tasting notes, tea, images, etc.)

We are only looking for feedback at this stage and no decisions have been made.

MandyJS said

I’m glad it seems you’ve moved passed your idea of purging companies with 1 or 2 tasting notes from 6+ years ago. In my opinion, if it’s got a tasting note, no matter how old, someone took the time to write it because they wanted that note documented for whatever reason.

No tasting notes should be purged at all – especially if a tea company only has one tasting note, because that’s the only direct user information available about that particular tea/company.

While I’ve just started this journey, I know I’d be very upset if six years down the road someone decided my tasting notes were expendable, just because I wasn’t drinking a “popular” enough tea for it to have gained multiple notes about it.

Unfortunately, whether you meant to or not, that’s what you originally proposed to the users of this site – a purge of their tasting notes from the rarest teas they’ve sampled. Just because a tea hasn’t been tasted by many members, doesn’t mean it’s not worthy of documentation.

Please do not purge anything unless it’s obvious spam.

Courtney said

Although I don’t often post tea notes (at least not in the last few years), I agree with the opinions of everyone here — please do not purge notes at all; someone took the time to write these and they matter.

I subscribed to this thread when it was started and was getting the email updates, but have been unable to get to the site for at least three days (using Chrome) until this evening (503 error). I’m grateful to be able to get on and get caught up now.

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derk said


derk said

Didn’t know I was deleted. The site was completely non-existent for me for a ?week?: couldn’t resolve host no matter whether I attempted to connect from a logged in or logged out account, personal or work IPs, through a VPN, without SSL, and through a variety of browsers.

I have noticed on my Dashboard > Tasting Notes nothing goes beyond a note by Roswell Strange one day ago. The See More button at the bottom of the page is missing.

I believe that no one was able to access it without using the http (not https) route…

In regards to the above/your account being deleted… If I’m understanding Mastress Alita correctly it’s not that your account as a whole was deleted but that your profile information was removed. This is apparently temporary, but users affected by this were not given warning/notice.

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Jason select said

FWIW, I know Michael and his team have no intention of permanently deleting anything (minus the specific topic above that they asked for feedback on). If anything is not showing up or the page isn’t working, it’s likely a bug and/or part of the tricky transition process.

Also, I’d like to give my support to the team and note that, in my personal opinion, this transition and getting major issues fixed could take weeks and likely even months to be fully resolved. I don’t think I need to explain it to you all since you live it everyday (unfortunately), but this codebase is obviously very outdated, hasn’t been well maintained in a long time, and has lingering spam and database bloating that make things pretty slow. On top of that, Mike and I haven’t been available to assist with the transition and getting things up and running, so the Adagio team has been doing their best to work through our mess largely on their own.

I know you’ve been waiting for years and you deserve better, but I again ask for your patience. For the first time in a long time I see a real path for actual progress, so hopefully you all can bear with the site a little longer.

Jason select said

And a huge sign of the progress they’ve already been able to make is that I can now reply using my main account and don’t have to create a new one each time!

^ Though just as you’ve gained the ability to post others, like Mastress Alita who COULD post prior, have now lost the ability…

Jason select said

Yea, it’s unfortunate. It’s gonna take some time to get the foundation solid enough so that there isn’t as much inconsistency in what functionality works for different users. At the very least I’m confident no users are being “targeted”, sometimes bugs can just manifest in ways that make it hard to fully track down and squash.

My point was more that I don’t think you can call it progress when, where one person sees improvement, another sees equivalent new issues. At the very least, certainly not “significant progress”.

I agree that it doesn’t seem like anyone is being targeted and the wide assortment of very specific bugs/issues seems to be very random – so not counting the cache issues of recent memory or the https access being disabled for all users.

I, for one, hate having to use a “bogus account” just to use the message boards when I was able to post just fine days ago. Now… Nope… For me at least, my usability has only gotten worse

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AJ said

I’ve been fighting to get back onto the website for most of the day, unsure if it was a server issue or something on my end. I think it’s pretty unanimous that most of the actual users of this website (IE, those posting on Steepster versus replying on Twitter or Facebook) do not want a purge, and I’m glad there were a few people pointing to the ‘Cleanup’ thread.

I created the Steepster Cleanup Initiative last month:
The purpose of which was to make it easier to tell what needed to be done. What COULD be removed, what duplications needed to be addressed, etc. etc.

I think you’ll find you’ll cut back on a lot of the bloat you’ve noticed if things are addressed something in this order:

Removing all companies with NO TEAS listed under them. The only way a company can be created is if a tea is created under that name; which means the tea would have to have been moved out of the company afterwards. These companies just bloat the autocomplete list, and were likely the result of someone creating a tea under a mistyped company name, realizing their mistake, and moving it. At any rate-they can easily be ‘remade’. But every individual tea ENTRY, whether or not it contains a tasting note, is preserving something. As is every note.
-Combing through the discussion in the Cleanup Thread. Quick Notes:
Companies/teas using the following terms:
Duplicate-company-name-variations are also discussed/listed as best we can in that thread as well.
-I see someone’s already taken care of the entire ‘Spam’ company (I’d check back as it’ll start to fill up again as people find more erroneous teas…).

(Obviously if anyone disagrees with some of those notes, chime in.)

I don’t agree with removing restaurants or companies with teas added but no or few tasting notes. Steepster is great in that it archives discontinued teas—and is often the only place on the web to find information about those teas, or people to talk to that might be willing to trade them. Plus restaurants/cafes are often people’s first introduction to some teas (even if they’re wholesaled from another company with a retail outlet). And ties in nicely with our ‘Places’ tab, which IS a lot of ‘tea to go’ or café/restaurant locations.

AJ said

Well hey! At least the certificate’s updated and things are secure again. Back to chrome!

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