Gong Fu Timer for Android, testers welcome!
Hi Everyone,
i am just finished(almost) my android free tea timer application…
I designed it originally for myself to be able to track my tea brewing times and to make gong fu brewing comfortable and effective at my workplace… :-)
So i am just curious if it really fulfill the purpose or i missed something important aspect.
So i would kindly ask you if you have mood for testing please let me know.
I would appreciate some feedbacks or even suggestions how i could make the software even more comfortable and useful.
Thanks and greetings from hungary.
Alas, I have an iPhone. I might be able to convince the SO to let me borrow his phone though. :)
Hi Cody,
thank you for your interest. You can simply find it on the Play with
“gong fu timer”.
To be honest i did not created any help yet but i think anybody who is familiar with gongfubrewing (us) should be able to use it… :-D
I am awaiting your feedback and good luck.
( just drunk a Bai Cui Mei…)
A few things I first noticed: If a “brew” is skipped it isn’t possible to go back to a previous brew or select a certain brew to begin with. It’s a bit annoying to have to keep pressing “next brew” to get to the one you want. Also, it isn’t possible to view all the brew times at once. After the six displayed across the top, the next ones are hidden from view. It would be nice to have the ability to scroll through the brew times and select from them, say if you wanted to edit the time of that particular brew or if you started using the app half-way through a session. Additionally, it seems like some of the sound files are cut short—they end abruptly halfway through a note. At any rate, I really like the fact that the next brew automatically pops up, so all you have to do is hit start. Also, it’s nice to be able to save custom brew sequences under whatever names and save notes to them.
You are awsome! Thank you for your effort really.
Meantime i changed the brew display to be able to display up to 10 brews. I forgot to mention that you can always override the brewing time by tapping the time display. You can set any time to start with and tihs time will be written into the statistic. So to go back is not really necessary and to be honest i wanted to model the real tea brewing where you always brew a NEXT cup of tea. :-)
I am working on the ability to display all brewings of a particular tea in which screen you can edit and save all brewing times, remove or add brewings.
Thanks Attila
I’ll try it out :) After oversteeping my teas again and again thinking "I’ll be fine this time, I might need to go ahead and use a timer. Either that, or devote better time to gong fu tea…
For me It was the biggest pain with dancong oolongs. I do not like any bitterness in my teas but i often forgot at which brewing i was. Dancong is a difficult tea Anyway…
I’ll check it out when I get home! I really don’t like any of the other tea timers available for Android that I’ve found, they’ve all made just using the stopwatch seem the most useful!
I will definitely check it out. There is a serious lack of good tea apps for Android.
Added tea editing function so individual brewing times are editable…
Have a nice Tea!
It’s pretty cool. I see that you can save and restore the data from a source…. it’d be awesome to, at some time, see a way to utilize pre-made entries from the community. It’s pretty cool as is though and I’ll definitely use it.
It (and even more… rating, sharing, wwd statistics )IS definitely my plan!!
I want some “integration” but i need to discuss it with admins here and you with members how to do it the best way.
(For example the problem is to solve how to uniformize the world wide tea names from many different vendors.)
I think if given the option, I would like to select the specific vender as a main query, and the a sub-query as the specific tea. I use another app that really examplifies a fantastic system like this called “Ukulele Tabs”…. I could see a similar system used on a much smaller scale for vendors (Artist) and teas (songs). They also incorporated a save function that saves it to extsdcard. Anyway, goodluck man!
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