How does tea fit into your morning routine?
I always have a glass of water and a cup of tea with my breakfast. The tea is usually a strong, black tea to wake me up. I’ve found that I can’t quite wake up if I don’t have at least one cup of tea, and I’m sleepy/half-awake the rest of the day. I also make a travel mug to go with me and also a thermos for the rest of the day. Even if I’m running late I will try to make a mug of tea to go before I’ll do other important things so I can grab it on my way out of the door! :)
I always make sure I have enough time to have a cup of tea and some breakfast before I leave. I typically wake up and start the kettle on the stove and then go and make myself some breakfast, which on weekdays is typically oatmeal. Then I make a cup of tea to drink with breakfast, which is usually a straight green tea. I also fill up my travel mug with a flavored tea. And I sit in the quiet morning with breakfast and tea all to myself :)
First thing in the morning I boil 10 cups of filtered water and put it in my thermos. Shortly thereafter, I have my first cup of tea at work: possibly a green Earl Grey, a Harney tisane or a chai with vanilla almond milk.
Aww, this is a neat thread. I like reading about how tea fits in with everyone’s day.
Personally though, since I have such an erratic work schedule, I really have no such thing as a morning routine anymore. When I’m at home my gaiwan is pretty much always full of some sort of tea leaves that I continually re-steep as desired until the leaves are spent, at which point I add new leaves, whatever I’m in the mood for. This is my tea “routine” morning, noon, and night.
Man, what I would give for a steady work schedule though, so I could actually adopt a morning routine of any kind!
Well, I’m one of those people who likes to sleep in ridiculously late, but lately I’ve been trying to get myself going earlier, and “rewarding” myself with tea (and the caffeine injection) before I even head to work. So the past week or so, I’ve been brewing up a large mug of something robust (a black or dark oolong) yet not astringent to pop in my travel mug, and a regular-sized cup of something else (it has been Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha a couple times) to drink after my cereal. I don’t handle astringency well, and choose to drink my teas straight, so I do have to be careful with my morning selections (Laoshan Black is a favourite). I’m hoping to get another leakproof mug soon so I can bring along 2 teas instead of one – tea from home tastes better than tea brewed at work (and in the building I’ve been working in lately, I don’t have an office, therefore no tea kettle, etc.)
Prior, I would usually only drink tea late in the evening, or sometimes randomly during the middle of the day in my office (I have a tea stash there).
Glad I started this discussion..really enjoying reading everyone’s experiences. I’d like to share a recipe with you that my wife and I use every day for our chai. It takes about 10-15 min. and makes about 4 servings. We’re early birds, so we are able to squeeze this in before we start our work days!
Old thread I know, maybe we can revive it.
I like to rehydrate first thing in the morning with a caffeine-free tea- eg rooibos with lemon and ginger and relax in bed online on my iPad. Then a while later I make a matcha latte to kick start my metabolism.
Unless Im short on time (on days I have to get my daughter ready for preschool).
I’m an early bird and like to start my day slowly and gently when I can.
I have trouble functioning when I wake up. I used to only drink green tea ANYTIME of the day but now I can have a black, raw or ripe puerh, or a green. I need a bit of a jolt to even wake up. Once awake it’s yoga and meditation before I have another cup of anything with caffeine.
I’m a late sleeper, I go to bed late and I wake up late. I’ll also put off almost everything for a few more minutes. I usually make my tea into a good thermos the night before piping hot, so by morning it’s a comfortable temperature to drink. My get ready time before leaving the house also includes drinking water and prepping two more thermoses for the rest of the day. I’ll drink the morning thermos on my drive to work.
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