Buying tea online
Thanks for all of the information which I’m sure all of you have shared before many times, and all of you are kind enough to share again. I’m rapidly turning into Azzaria (not that thats a bad thing. i’m quite jealous actually) and must put limits on myself. I already have ~20 teas and ordered 8 more from Della Terra Teas today and to top it off i’m ordering some matcha from Read Leaf Tea as we speak.
Some limits huh? I still haven’t delved much into oolongs or pur-erh and will be ordering that next. For that I think i’m going to go with Upton Tea based on cost/gram, reviews, and selection. Should I consider another direction oh you oolong fanatics? (bear in mind, again, “budget” here)
But then Teavivre reviews tend to show you get ~5?! steeps so…? may want to reconsider that purchase and/or only buy oolongs for occasional usage and not care about cost as much.
a sample of pu-erh to try may be the way to go. it is not for everyone but if you do purchase one try a menghai factory a haiwan factory or a cnnp cake to start with to see if it is for you. there are sellers on ebay and elsewhere that will allow you to purchase sample sizes of their products without the expense of a whole cake. another great local option is mandala tea garret has a pretty good selection shipping is reasonable and has very good product(not as much as a seller from china). but he is local and i trust in all that he has to offer.
Ill throw myself into the mix.
Besides great tea, competitive prices, and unique imported teaware, I make sure every package sent has a quality all its own so that even opening the shipping package begins a unique and graceful tea experience.
Whoa, can’t believe I found a 6-years ago discussion. I think Yappychappy sir might have graduated. Do you still fond of tea now?
Honestly I can also recommend to check out Chinese websites such as Aliexpress or ebay tea stores based in China. Perhaps also Such shops often offer free shipping and it is possible to get hard-to-beat price/quality ratios there. But of course you can also be sold rubbish there. It’s a bit of an adventure.
[edit: oops, this is very old, didn’t notice that]
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