Traveling Tea Box: Group B - round 2 discussion
Yaaay, I’m after Tea Sipper! I’m a little bit afraid now that there won’t be much in the box I can sample (had to cut out pretty much all caffeine from my diet because I’m nursing and caffeine apparently gives my little girl colic), but my hubby can try some for me. It won’t last forever, so perhaps we’ll find some we’ll want to order for ourselves for later. So excited!! I’ll go ahead and PM you my address, Tea Sipper, even though I don’t think you actually have the box yet. :3
I can certainly add more non-caffeine teas to the box than I otherwise would have, when I get it. Are you only drinking rooibos and herbal teas right now? Also, I already noticed I have a few teas from your shopping list I am adding! :D
Yes, it’s rooibos (I prefer the green variety, not a big fan of the red) and herbals for me, with the occasional small cup of white tea. She seems to be able to handle minuscule amounts of caffeine, so I may be able to try sips of other teas here and there. I just never do that at home, because it’s not worth it to brew a cup just to have a sip. However, if my husband drinks the rest of each cup, I could possibly still taste most of what’s in the box. :) I’ll deal.
Green rooibos is different! It’s not oxidized and it doesn’t have the woody notes, it’s more grassy and honey tasting.
thanks for letting me know Momo but uh oh I don’t really have any green rooibos. And not many herbals either. But I will definitely be thinking non-caffeine when I’m picking teas for the box!
Sorry for the delay!! Tea sipper had some request so I wanted Iti get a few into the box and had to do reorganizing lol should get it out tomorrow!!!
Was this mailed out yet? And could you send me the delivery confirmation number in a message when you do?
I got the box! There are a ton of teas here! Amazingly, not many I’ve tried yet. I think it will take me longer than a week to get to the post office but I will try!
any updates on this one too?
I almost just bumped this up. I’m still working on this one! I haven’t opened the tea box I started that came back to me yet, because I wanted to work on this one. I still can’t make any promises about WHEN I can get to the PO though. Sorry for the wait!
The box was mailed to teataku today! I’m so so sorry for the wait. I didn’t mean to keep it this long.. no chance to get to the post office until today. I had a ton of fun with this box! So many good teas. I don’t think I didn’t like anything I tried!
Wow, glad this is going so slow actually. I disappear off of steepster for months and this is still nowhere close to me which means I still have a chance at it. Yay.
I apparently received this yesterday, but I wasn’t here, somehow, when it arrived (although I swear I was home most of the day!) and I didn’t notice it until just now when I got home! So it sat outside for a little over a day… oops. It seems to be tightly sealed and intact, though, so rather than ripping into it like a kid at Christmas (like I WANT to do), I’m being an adult and going to bed, as it is a quarter to midnight where I am, and I will open it tomorrow. :)
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