Cofftea said

Blooming Teas

Since blooming teas make a great Valentines Day gift or center piece for a romantic V-day dinner, I thought I’d ask this question now. I’ve always liked blooming teas in theory, but could never get a handle on the logistics of them so I haven’t tried them yet. How do you steep and enjoy them? What do you steep them in? How do you decant them? How do you do additional infusions (if they can even stand up to them)? Also, what are some company suggestions for a great combo of quality and price? Adagio has blooming teas starting at $1/each, but I’d rather not be commited to buying 10. Blooming teas are quite the conundrum for me, but I’d love to enjoy them to their fullest potential as I believe all tea should!

8 Replies
Rijje said

I got some blooming teas.
Since they only seem to come in green/white tea I let the water cool before pouring it in a glass teapot (I have a teapot from Eva Solo that I prefer when making this) They take additional infusions, if they are of decent quality… To me it’s a beautifull kind of tea I have to have, because it’s special and pretty. Don’t really like the taste – but that’s me. I know some people who like them just fine.

I got four types of blooming tea in a webside for a decent price. Thing is, the shop is in Denmark. The only teabrand I know are available for you, is Numi… The tasting notes I read of those look positive, but that’s for you to decide ;)

Hope some other steepsters are more helpfull.

Cofftea said

Adagio is available for me as well. They have a much bigger selection for us than you guys. How do the additional infusions look?

Rijje said

The infusions looks great. I got up to five additional infusions with no prob, and without changing the steepingtime much =) and I only stopped at five because I couldn’t get any more tea down.

…umm. There should be a lot more teabrands with blooming tea available. If not, try search on the internet. There is a huge price difference out there!

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i’ve bought them from ROT and Teavana and had then in a glass teapot that had built in filter (slotted before attachment to spout) – always gotten them in bunches and found them “meh” looked pretty, tasted average

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Miss Sweet said

Its more about looking pretty, the taste is usually not that exciting. I can usually get about 10 cups out of one bloom, plus after you’re done with them they last a day or two on display in a glass/vase filled with water :)

Cofftea said

Oh cool! So they don’t completely fall apart? That was my main concern.

Miss Sweet said

Nope! They start to look manky after more than two days but stay in one piece haha. Oh, and they’re also sometimes called art teas or artisan teas, which might help you on your search :)

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bloomingT said

I started out buying 100 blooming teas for $100 at The link is Since then, I have seen the prices increase across the web. Now, of course, I get my tea from

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