vanilla tea
I like H&S White Vanilla Grapefruit. Its not all vanilla, but you can definitely taste the vanilla too
Upton’s Season’s Pick Earl Grey Creme Vanilla is super creamy-sweet. I also like Della Terra’s Earl Grey Creme in a similar way. Persimmon Tree has a rooibos vanilla chai that I recall liking.
I’m not sure anyone is really asking since this thread is a year old, but my fave is Tea Source’s Moon Over Madagascar.
Yeah, super old thread, but since it was bumped, the best vanilla tea I have ever had and the only one I could drink over, and over, and over again is Mighty Leaf’s Vanilla Bean tea. The coffee shop on my undergraduate campus sold it, and it was the best tea they had. I drank it a lot, and it never stopped being awesome.
I’m bumping this thread since I’m going to hold off on my first Whispering Pines order until some of their vanilla teas are back (they had thought they had more than they did).
I am craving vanilla tea like crazy right now! I’m not normally a flavored tea drinker… but I’ve gotten to the point I’ve just been dumping vanilla bean paste in my tea leaves today. It was caused by having a fleeting but wonderful sample of Teabox’s Vanilla Cinnamon Pledge (the name kind of had me scared it would taste like cleaning products) yesterday. It was smooth and wonderful and tasted like snicker-doodles… but I’d like to find a solid vanilla (I’m not always in the mood for cinnamon with it) tea to tide me over for the next month or two while I wait on the famous Whispering Pines. Also I can’t seem to justify the price tag of Vanilla Cinnamon Pledge at $45 for 100 g with only having sampled it once, especially with so many other things to try!
Based on thread suggestions I’m going to go check and see if my super market has some Mighty Leaf for tonight (I think I saw it there) and when my Teavivre BF order of doom comes in this week I am going to pick a candidate and mix it with an obscene amount of vanilla bean. But I wasn’t sure if there were any suggestions of vanilla indulgence anyone would like to share :-)
Also, are there any teas that go exceptionally well with Vanilla, even if they aren’t vanilla teas?
I’ve tried a number of vanilla teas over the years as vanilla is one of my favorite flavors and scents of all. The very best vanilla black tea I’ve ever had is Whispering Pines Golden Orchid. Many others are made with flavoring agents and some bases on flavored teas suck, but this one is made with actual vanilla beans and a solid flavorful base. No affiliation with the vendor.. just a big fan of GO as it is one of my favorite teas. :)
Aww that is a bummer. I know GO is going to be great… but I have to wait another month or more to get some now, so was hoping for alternatives. Yah I’m not normally a fan of any kind of flavoring in my tea, just added herbs and sometimes essential oils. I should have my Verdant order on Thursday, so am thinking about using some Vanilla bean in Laoshan Black or Zhu Rong…
I’ll be receiving my vanilla beans in the mail, so I am looking to add them into my steeps and experiment a bit. I got some Tahitian and Madagascar beans, which apparently have very different flavor profiles. Looking forward to trying them out, I’ll post my results here (like how much bean, type of bean, kind of tea base, etc). Please do the same!
They really do. I haven’t done much cooking with them, but back when I was young and thought I wanted to be a perfumer I had CO2s of each. Tahitian vanilla has a lower vanillin content (around 10% is where I normally see it) than Madagascar (I don’t think I’ve seen too much of this below 12%, highest I’ve seen it is around 26%) and is much more renown for it’s floral or fruity aspects. It is actually very popular among Asian women. Madagascar (and Mexico) is more the warm vanilla cookie scent, the depth of that depending on origin and chemical composition.
I just tried using a whole vanilla bean in an assam sample I got from Teabox. I didn’t let it sit because I realized halfway in I had a cold and didn’t want to run into that in a few weeks… I didn’t taste the vanilla in it, but I don’t know if I didn’t use enough or if I didn’t wait long enough.
Harney and Sons Vanilla Comoro is amazingly good for a decaffeinated tea. I am on my second tin and see a third one—if not a whole bag—in my future…
YMMV to this~
Tried harneys vanilla and vanilla comoro recently. They both lacked any real flavor or aroma, very disappointing.
’your mileage may vary"
I agree with you though sherapop. I just ordered a whole bag to refill my tin with lol
WtFGoD, I totally relate to your experience with Vanilla Comoro.
But with the rave reviews it gets, I’m pretty sure both tins I purchased must have been very old or damaged by light/heat in some way. That may be the case for you.
It’s very hard to get H&S where I live in Australia but still looking forward to the day I get to try a fresh batch.
I always go straight to the source for Harney and Sons. I fear that the tins in retail and grocery stores are sometimes old, especially since there are no obvious expiration or production dates on them…
@Cathy – I’m in New Zealand and often feel like some of the “fresh stock” we get via Harney NZ, is not fresh at all (IE, has been sitting in a Chinese (or whichever country of origin), then American, and then possibly Australian warehouse for who knows how long). I buy mine from the Harney NZ site, and it’s often hit and miss for freshness, but still better than buying locally if it’s not a popular blend. I find I notice it the most in their white teas.
I know Harneys Australia does sales(20-30% off coupon codes) as well, so figured that was worth a mention in case you didn’t know :)
I actually live in america and ordered from their site, it is also pretty cold here. Maybe it’s something with the artificial flavorings not holding well over time?
I got a vanilla tea from Adagio and it was almost painfully storng/artificial scent wise, flavor was still pretty mediocre.
YMMV with artificial teas~
My favorite is definitely Vanille des Îles by Mariage Frères! There’s a great depth to it that I’ve never tasted in another vanilla tea. Absolutely delicious.
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