Funny thread, I actually learned about this website through Goodreads.
I just joined this site.
Anyways, here is my link, feel free to add me :)
There is this Horror genre group that I am a part of and they made a discussion of tea, and someone mentioned this site. There might be a group dedicated to tea.
@Andrew opposite of you just learned about goodread from steepster ( right now in fact ) ( it may be the sleepless night i have now but i can find the link with my name in it like you all seem to give so i hope that one work )
Maybe we should create a Steepster book group on Goodreads. There are so many of us that are friends there, now, that it might be a nice extension to the “what are you reading?” thread here on Steepster.
I am Feel free to add me, and I’m sending lots of friend requests!
There is a mobile app for android users I would assume Iphone has one as well :D It’s really easy and fun to use (I just downloaded it)
The android app is excellent because it has a barcode scanner which makes it super easy to add books.
I frequent it once in a while; I am not social thought; anyhow I am there as: URL —
I signed up recently. I wasn’t going to sign up, have resisted for ages, but you all sold me on it!
Semi-related – Has anyone here used Riffle Books yet? I got an e-mail inviting me to check it out but you have to apply to use it. I applied a few days ago but heard nothing back. The secrecy is really effective – I’m going nuts wanting to know what is so great about it.
Oh wow, hadn’t heard of it before, but now I’m curious too! Of course, I am NEVER an early adopter of anything, so is it ok if I live vicariously through your signup request?
Oooooh, newshiny! Applied for an invitation because I must have the new beta thing. =)
I just wanted to post that I made a new topic for a group read for the Steepster group on Goodreads. The group seems kind of dead and I figured bringing awareness here might help :)
Sorry if necromancy is not allowed on here. I didn’t see anything about posting in old threads on the stickies and idk what the lifespan of a thread is for when we shouldn’t post in it.
I started a goodreads threat a week or so ago. Didn’t see this one when I searched. Is the group open to new people?
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