Common Ground: TEA and Board Games
Oh my, where to start? I know so many board/card games, and my friends and I try to keep it varied and not play the same ones over and over again. My family tends to stick to Old Favorites, but I like to dig out the ones we don’t play often. Here are some games I LOVE:
Apples to Apples (and the Sour version, too!)
Last Word
Settlers of Catan (a friend of mine just got the Star Trek version, too)
Fluxx (card game with LOTS of different versions—I have Pirate Fluxx and Star Fluxx, and a friend of mine has Zombie Fluxx)
Pop 5 (not a “board game,” but close—was made by the makers of Cranium)
Quelf (a new addition to our games repertoire)
Munchkin (I have the regular one and my brother has Super Munchkin)
Bubble Talk (also not strictly a “board game,” similar to Apples to Apples)
We also play lots of traditional card games, as well as Phase 10 occasionally. My family is really into Euchre at the moment, but we also play Canasta (as well as its variant, Hand and Foot), Progressive Rummy (which I have heard called by other names, including International Rummy and Shanghai), Spades, Karma, 13, Nerts (which I have also heard called Peanut), and a game called Red Booty (which is the PG version of the name—the original name was in Cajun French, which when translated means “red ass,” which is what you get when someone makes you mad).
Scrabble is our favorite, but we also love Bananagrams, Settlers of Catan (gave my son the Star Trek version for Christmas, too), Rack-O, Phase 10, Magic the Gathering (mainly the kids and their friends).
Sorry, I couldn’t help but to bump this thread :) My husband and I both love playing board games and our favorites are Agricola, Mice & Mystics, Castles of Burgundy, Castle Panic and Dungeon Petz. But really, it changes constantly. My husband is more into it than I am, meaning, he buys all these crazy games (He has a lot of them!) and posts on boardgamegeek forums… but I will always play any game with him, and I really love the experience, too.
Do you guys know of any tea-themed boardgames? We know only one – “Darjeeling” ( It’s okay, it has interesting mechanics, but generally it could be about anything – what I mean by this is that the theme does not really matter here, so it’s only “kind of about” tea.
My friends and I love playing board games! I really like cooperative board games. Games we play are:
Battlestar Galactica
Castle Panic
Power grid
Settlers of Catan
The resistance
Harry potter monopoly
The walking dead
Not strictly board games but also fun: cards against humanity, gloom, zombie dice, and Yahtzee (or shotzee)
It’s one of my favorites! I have the “in the lab” and “on the brink” expansion packs too :-)
We always lost at first too, but we can win pretty regularly now (thus the expansion pack purchases). Oddly, it seems easier with fewer people.
Oh man Pandemic. The fiance and his friends have played it a few times and have yet to win, but they really love it. I’ll have to tell him that the game is actually winnable!
My husband always wants to make it really hard, with the virulent strains and all. So many times we are ONE turn away from winning. Sigh.
Does cribbage count as a board game? Its by far my fravorite game to play while having a cuppa:)
Oh man we have taken to having semi-regular board game nights with some of our friends. We went through a period of time where we played a LOT of Risk Legacy… but then people started to get down right angry with each other over it so we had to give that one a rest.
We love Cards Against Humanity, Settlers of Catan, Elfenland, Scrupples (the scrupples of the 80s are THE BEST)… and a lot more I can’t remember. My fiance and his friends LOVE powergrid, but it mostly just frustrates me!
My husband and I played Risk with my brothers over Mother’s Day. Let’s just say it got nasty. I won, after a lot of infighting and yelling. “This is how much I hate you!” was screamed at one brother from another.
It is a foul game and I love it. :)
EDIT: when we’re not screaming, it’s fun. We make up stories about the soldiers as they battle into or out of countries. It’s narrated like a weird news story. Fun though!
haha, that’s amazing. I love Risk. The Risk Legacy version is INSANE. Each game irreversibly changes the game. And winner get to name citys and continents. At one point an entire country gets nuked and mutants come into play. It’s so crazy, but so far its my favorite none classic Risk.
If you like a game that will make everyone argue and yell at each other (in a fun way), check out the resistance! It’s simple but fun and you basically have to figure out who’s lying and sabotaging.
I LOVE resistance. We have a friend who will tell you through the entire game every single time that he is a spy. So when he’s actually the spy… is confuses the crap out of people.
We all love board games. My youngest bros are 13 and 14 now but we have played games competitively for years so it can still be aggressive. They especially fight with each other now whereas when they were younger they often banded together to try to defeat me (being the only girl). I won this game by quietly letting them annihilate each other. Settlers of Catan is another favourite though a bit more tame. :)
I will definitely look into these other games. It’s always good to have more in the arsenal!
Lords of Waterdeep is a lot of fun, and Ticket to Ride. My husband play the iPad version of Ticket to Ride when we eat breakfast. Last Labor Day we played Catan with EVERY expansion, it took 8 hours and by the end we were all dying for it to be over. Somewhere I have a picture of that board. It took up our whole dining room table.
Edit – here you go:
Unfortunately we didn’t get one mid game.
I haven’t played Ticket to Ride yet, but its one of my fiance’s favorites. And Catan with every expansion pack at the same time sounds simultaneously like the best and worst idea ever! I have a feeling this will be attempted at our next big new years gathering of our friends! Thanks for this terrible amazing idea.
Ticket to Ride is similar to power grid. My friends and I would never make it through an 8 hour Catan game! They always get tired of it and then Sarah tells them what to do to end the game (so she wins of course) and I’m always like 1 point behind her. So frustrating lol.
If you like The Resistance and Pandemic, Battlestar Galactica is like a merging of those two games. However, if you haven’t watched the show, it might be confusing.
I love tea and love board games – but rarely do both together unfortunately :(
Favourites: Taboo, Bang, Monopoly Deal, Apples to Apples, Dutch Blitz (I guess these are technically card games)
But also Settlers of Catan, Bananagrams, Scrabble… to name a few :)
Finally played Cards against Humanity…enjoyed it immensely.
So many of these other games look awesome.
Oh man, it has been so long since I played any board games, been too wrapped up in various tabletop RPGs and Magic lately, though I really need to get in a game of Summoner Wars soon.
In the near future I will be gongfu-ing for a group of people playing Twilight Imperium, not sure if I will just be tea focused and painting at the gaming shop’s painting station or playing, my track record with that game is AWFUL. As 12 hour long 4X games go though, it is crazy fun just also infuriating :P
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