Hi everyone!
Made the jump from teabags to loose leaf about a year ago, but all I had nearby is Twinnings… and with practice, I can make a pretty decent cup out of that. Some of my friends travel to Asia and bring me tea gifts, so my collection is expanding quite randomly. Just bought some Adagio samples to try some varieties I had my eye on, so I guess I’m officially a tea addict :)
I’ve been lurking here for about a week, so much information! Love the forum,
welcome to the crazy house!
The addiction will only grow if you hang around here! Welcome!
I’ve just recently starting hanging around here too (about 3 weeks now). In that time I’ve ordered from 3 new companies that I’d never heard of until I got here, I’ve created wish lists on two more companies sites, I’ve got a shopping cart ready to hit “buy” on yet another one. It is crazy how much information/recommendations/info you can find here. Not sure my credit card likes it, but I’m having fun. Hope you enjoy your time here as much as I am.
Yeah, if you’re looking to curb your addiction, this ain’t the place. On the other hand, if you want to discover, buy, trade, & drink tea with wild abandon, welcome home!!
Welcome to the darkside, my friend! It’s wonderful here.
Heh, they’re not kidding. This site is full of enablers, haha. :) But thanks to them, you’ll find more delicious teas than you know what to do with. :D Which aside from the sobbing bank account, is never a bad thing.
Hope you have fun here!
Welcome. You’ll have fun and learn a lot.
Well I can still consider myself a newbie on Steepster, so nice idea of a thread. I am glad I found you tea loving people!
Nice to find this post! I just joined a few days ago and it’s great to see other people as obsessed with tea as I am. I’m looking forward to getting involved on the boards!
Welcome to Steepster Kaylee!
Yay, an intro thread :) I’m Shelley. I joined Steepster recently for the handy reviews of so many teas all in one place. I started my new obsession in February. I’ve been a bagged- tea-fanning green tea drinker for years, but after one spontaneous order of loose tea from The Tea Spot, I went all tea crazy and I’m sure my husband wishes I would talk about something else already. haha. It’s awesome to find a place where my hyper focus is welcomed. It’s only been a couple months, but I have been doing nothing but sampling as many different teas as possible in that little time and I already have quite a collection.
Other random stuff about me:
I love physics, literature, and learning new languages. I have a degree in the first two and I’m almost finished with one in German (what can I say, I just love homework! lol) I play piano, read sci fi and fantasy (when I get a break from the serious school literature), have a siamese cat, cavalier king charles spaniels, a cocker spaniel, a couple other cats too (it’s a zoo .), and a troll (actually, it’s my husband, but sometimes I can’t be sure when he follows the others into the kitchen, wondering when if I’m there to get him food and treats).
So happy I found this place to share my tea adventures!
You fit right in! Welcome!
I also have a physics degree! Welcome, Shelley. :)
Thanks for the Welcomes :) I bet you’re probably making use of your physics degree Fiddling. I went through a long fight between my love of science and the humanities. Thats the real reason I’ve been in school so long, but literature finally won out for me.
Welcome! You are bound to love it here. =)
Sounds like an interesting and busy life. I love Cavalier King Charles Spaniels-beautiful dogs with good personalities. I lived in Sundance, Wyoming for one year at age 5 when my dad was there for an engineering job-I remember prairie dogs, rodeos and Mount Rushmore. You’ll have fun with Steepster. I’m relatively new myself (last summer). Welcome!
Wyoming ist exactly my ‘cup of tea’ its kinda flat and un-scenic where I am in Laramie, not much to do either. Bozeman Montana will always be ‘home’ for me, but our next destination will be Seattle (lots of tea places there I hope!)
Not very far from Fort Collins so maybe we can hook up and have tea at Happy Luckys Tea House some time!
Yes, I know, that would be great fun! I’ve never been to a tea house.
Hello Everyone. Joined up a few days ago but still don’t understand how you start following – who and how to choose? Am based in the UK and am interested in swapping with UK people.
Welcome. To start following someone, you just click on their name, it will bring you to that person’s profile page. Then click the follow button on the top right hand corner of the screen. Follow whomever you want. You might want to follow people in your area, or who have the same tea interests as you, or whose reviews you like to read. You cannot private message someone unless you are following eachother. To swap, just post it on the swap thread.
You can just follow people who seem to have similar tastes in tea, people who are near you, people who seem to know a lot about a tea you want to learn more about, or people whose writing style you enjoy! Welcome to Steepster!
A few people who follow me are from the UK. You can look through my followers list. Roughage is one.
I am not newbie on Steepster.com; as I have been here a long while since not employed and failing at all things miserably. I am noticing this post is 7 months old.
I had promised Jason, the site owner etc. to not post or submit to discussions but I do this every now and again and I continue to be bothered with things.
I reside with my in-laws and I don’t pay rent and I am reminded daily that nothing is given freely; so this is weighs on my mind/heart of the possible dangers.
I tried to be a writer but I cannot live up to it. At times I don’t even speak English which is another fault as others communicate above my head and i am right there.
Jason happy Easter…I came across this article on Resurrection which absolutely boggles the mind but is mainly true if perception is correctly align with Ms. Houston way of thinking…unfortunately I marked the article as spam on my Face book page and cannot retrieve it. Sorry for mentioning it and not able to share it.
I am depressed and so religion is failing me as well. It has always failed me as it seems to be for those rearing children; those submitting to reproducing and keeping up with life the way that it is.
This is what I mean when I say at times I do not speak English; this is a tea community and nothing to do with religion or resurrection etc. I am so lost and depress.
You are not invisible and have not been failed. Not being aware of why is not the same as not having meaning or value.
Sounds like you’re going through a tough time. I have found Boggle the owl to be encouraging when things look bleak: http://boggletheowl.tumblr.com/ Things may be bad right now, but you have been strong enough to make it this far!
Life is a journey. Like any road there are ups and downs. There are many things that are given freely, thought it often takes time to appreciate that or to see it as we are so overwhelmed with messages about value, where in fact there is no value.
If you look too hard sometimes it is difficult to find what you really want. Often the best things come to us unexpectedly.
Don’t be afraid to reach out. Sometimes this may lead to hurt, but usually this makes us stronger and often opens our eyes to others around us.
With smiles and best wishes from us to you from far away.
Hi everyone… My name is Shabadoo from South Africa.. Awesome to be in this tranquil soothing community…hoping to share and receive wisdom and knowledge from all who are willing to.learn new things from others, and of course have loads of fun. Don’t worry, drrink tea and be happy!!:) One love!!
Hi there! I’m Natasha, a Serbian mutt hailing from from New York. Got hooked on tea almost four years ago thanks to Adagio, and now I run the Snooty Tea Blog.
I’m also into fitness, anthropology, and reading too much sci-fi/fantasy for my own good.
Hi, Natasha! Welcome! I love the name of your blog, I will have to check it out.
Thank you! Hope it tickles your fancy. =)
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