Welcome to Steepster PeaceNL!
Welcome newbies! You’ll love it here, the reviews are so amazing and detailed and everyone shares that one common love… TEA!
Kind of jumped in a while back but never introduced myself. Hi Azzrian and TeaEqualsBliss. Thanks for adding me to your Following List. I’d say Hi to SimpliciTea but he’s been eerily silent for the past few months.
I heavily lean towards Spring Darjeelings, especially Mariage Freres Darjeelings (no, I don’t work for them), but I also love High Mountain Taiwanese Oolongs, both Red and Green Rooibos, and all types of Japanese Teas. I do like but I am not necessarily a fan of flavored teas. One tea I’ve been missing in my cupboard is Osmanthus Flavored Oolong Tea.
Happy brewing/steeping/infusing everyone!
A tea shop owner in Taipei introduced me to a High Mountain Oolong mixed with Osmathus/金木犀. Even with the strong scent, I was surprised it did not overpower the taste of the Oolong. it actually complimented the taste extremely well.
As for Mariage, it is expensive. It’s great to have a wife that’s obsessive with tea as I am. She knows how to perform the Japanese Tea Ceremony and the Green Teas she buys from Kyushu are heavenly. She, as well as I, believe Mariage has the best FF Darjeelings money can buy.
Welcome new steepsters to the best tea community on the web. It wasn’t long ago that I was a newcomer as well but the community and fellow steepsters are extremely nice and welcoming. Enjoy!
Yup I have not been here too awful long myself but it feels like home! :) Welcome everyone!
Hello, hello. I’ve been lurking around for a little while, but only recently started following a few people. Everyone here seems really awesome, so I’m just poking around and hoping to learn a thing or two. =D
Welcome out of the shadows scion! :)
Aloha everyone, I’ve only been in Steepster a few months and amazed by the huge engagement here. I started exploring the tea world a few years back when I started working at Ito En in Quality Assurance. I learned quickly about tea quality and the chemical properties of tea and nutrition. During MBA school last year I had the opportunity to study tea farms on the Big Island of Hawaii and developed many good relationships. Since then I lived 4 months on a tea farm in Kyoto, Japan. I now feel passionate about tea’s ability to make the world a better place and want to advocate for the people that make amazing tea possible; tea growers.
I look forward to sharing stories with this community. I am also building a tea company in Hawaii called Tealet. We are young, but just want to help people explore amazing teas direct from the grower.
Elyse, you have some very interesting teas on your site. I have bookmarked it for possible future orders.
Best wishes,
P.S. The free shipping is a great idea!
love this site i am a newbie too, but i have met great people and friends on here and i am blessed to know them!
Well, I’m pretty new here too. I joined a couple months ago, but only just started tealogging, following people, and commenting on the forums this week. I’m loving the vast wealth both of knowledge and friendliness here! I’m not a big fan of facebook, so other than Twitter and my blog (http://hardlysupermom.wordpress.com), I’m making this my online social interaction.
Being in Australia I’ve mainly had teas from T2 and a little from the Tea Centre (which is actually where I started my tea drinking). But I’m loving exploring new (mainly straight) teas from Teavivre and Adagio right now. Really looking forward to getting to so many other pleasures from other companies as well. Currently waiting on a chawan from Yuuki-Cha and two matchas and sundries from Red Leaf Tea—both companies having posted my orders today! New adventures await!
I think this is a great place for social interaction haha love Australia!
Have you tried Rabbit Hole? They have some awesome teas and they are in Australia.
I know of them but haven’t tried any of their teas yet. I think I need to lower my stash a little more first! :)
You should check out http://www.naturestealeaf.com/. A great selection of loose teas and shipping to Australia.
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