Hmm, macadamia praline sounds really interesting, I will vote for that!
sigh sold! And I’ll probably be placing another order on Friday if you have the Bavarian Cream on sale …
I’m intrigued by all these new flavor ideas … or at least most of them. I just ordered the licorice … what would the difference be between the current licorice and the “improved” licorice, I wonder?
Current Licorice has more freeze dried licorice root mixed in, but the new one will be all about the flavor. Just improving the formula to get you more flavor.
well, I guess if you change it, I will have to try the new and improved one also. LOL
Big Sighs! SO MANY WANTS!!!
Soon as I win me that full time job… getting me-self a big order of matcha tea!
(my contract ends in a month so I really can’t justify it atm)
Just got my package a day early. I want to try ALL of the new flavors, but I’m afraid if I do, I’ll go crazy.
They all smell so good. One surprise: the Lemongrass flavor really stands out for some reason. After opening them all, I still remember this one, not sure why.
Anyway, looks like Tiramisu is winning for now. Tomorrow is the last day for voting.
I’m sure Azzrian could come up for a theory as to why you can’t get the lemongrass one out of your head hahaha
LOL I didn’t even know he HAD a lemongrass one! I hate that flavor so much I can’t even SEE it on a website! :)
OMG when will these flavors be listed on your site IM DYING with anticipation LOL
I think what I’ll do is list one every week and make a special on Friday for that flavor. Looks like Tiramisu will be next unless it gets over-voted.
Tiramisu! The lemongrass sounds really interesting too.
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