Thank you everyone for the recommendations for the proof reader project. I really did not expect to get so many. I was not sure who to pick so to be kind of fair I started with the first on that came to me.
Once again thank you for helping me. Much appreciated.
Glad you got some responses!!
If those all fall through (doubtful!) I know someone as well. She’s very good at editing, and loves tea as well :)
Another review came in.
Rachel suggested a complimentary measuring spoon. We have already purchased those and it will be added to the final product when it comes out :-)
Thank you Rachel.
Great idea! I know at Tin Roof Teas, or perhaps all Teageschwender shops, they give you a free teaspoon sized spoon when you make a purchase, so having the large size for the matcha mix would be awesome. Way to go, Rachel!
I’m going to my second half of sampling(the hot ones) today so I should have the survey filled out by tonight. I’m only going to do half cups today though so I don’t get caffeine over load seeing as how I can’t stop myself from drinking other teas over the course of the day.
How much caffeine is in one serving of caramel matchachino ?
Rachel’s idea for the measuring spoon is great. I think my family gets cranky that I’m always stealing the kitchen measuring spoons for my matcha.
There’s not that much caffeine in this mix. A round of 1/2 of what coffee cup would have. It’s more about how sensitive are you to caffeine. I can drink coffee and go to sleep 30 minutes later. When I started to drink matcha late I could not sleep half the night as if was some different type of caffeine and my body was reacting to it. Now it’s just like coffee. Some days I have 3 cups of matcha so that I don’t feel sleepy during the day.
Think of it this way: if you have too much and can not sleep, at least you’ll have time to do the survey. It’s a win-win. :-)
The survey shouldn’t take me long to fill out because I’ve been taking lots of notes. I’ve finished all the cold samples and am on the first hot right now. I want to have them all done before 4pm so it doesn’t mess with my sleep.
Thank you again for giving us this great opportunity to be a part of tea history! I can totally see my non tea drinking friends getting hooked on this stuff.
I feel like waiting for test results at school when I was younger :-)
So far I got 3 reviews and the best samples voted are:
There is no pleasing you people… LOL
I’ll be sending my survey in today. Prepared cold, 3 was probably my favorite, but I actually liked them all. Looking forward to trying them hot.
Just in case you wondering I haven’t received mine yet but I’m in Canada so that might explain it!
I’m still waiting too, but I’ll review it asap.
I should have it next week I hope…
Thank you for the update.
Just saw the post from 3 days ago saying there will be another test for a lighter version with natural Stevia. Now that will be right up my alley!
This will be a project for later. First I need to see how the new product is selling for a while. If the new product does not sell well, there is no reason to work on additional options, is there?
I will make an official post when I’m ready for the new version to be tested.
I appreciate your interest.
I totally understand. I have sent back my survey and appreciate the opportunity to try them. I like them prepared cold the best.
I’m about to try mine since I finally got to them yesterday. My poor little mailbox was so jammed with stuff.
Hi. Just received my samples on Saturday and completed my survey just now. Hope you received it and the feedback helps. I look forward to the next tasting ;)
I got it. Thank you very much.
Another vote for #2.
A question for Red Leaf – now that you have me hooked on matcha, I am craving plain matcha, not just flavored matcha. Have you ever considered making a special sampler of your different grades of unflavored matcha? I would love to do a side by side comparison of them. When I upgraded the base of my Bilberry Matcha (seriously, I am the only person on here who bought and reviewed it?) it was such a vibrant green and though I like the classic base fine, it made me want to experience ALL the bases!
I had the sampler package for unflavored matcha but it was not very popular. Below is the link to the sampler pack. It will be available only today by this link. Specially for you or any Steepster reader :-)
If I hadn’t already ordered Red Leaf matcha, (and it’s shipped) I would’ve added this. Oh well maybe next time :D
You can order now and pay for the shipping. I will refund you the shipping fee right away and ship it with your next order. Would that work for you?
Thanks for the offer but I’m buying a purebred kitten ($900) it will be a tortie/torbie Siberian kitten. That’s why I can’t afford any more tea right now :D I will post pictures on facebook and google+ when it comes :D
That’s sounds like a great pet! Personally I’m more of a dog person…
They have dog like personalities (and even play fetch) and I have my 140lb English Mastiff which is more than enough puppy for me :D I wanted a cat because I can’t stand the -30 to -50 degrees Celsius weather for walking a pup. Besides a 20lb cat will outweigh most small dogs anyway :D
EEEEE! Kitten! My last kitten was a year ago, but he was (as all of mine) a shelter cat. I’m really pro-shelter cats but in my secret heart of hearts I want an exotic persian…
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