My guess is 3.05 calories/1gm flavored matcha. I wonder if this like Jeopardy where you add a minuscule amount to the closest guess so you cover the base to the next decimal point.
If someone wants to change their number, you still can. Your last guess will count as final number.
HINT: It’s not 16 LOL
Can I change my guess and say 3.66?
I’m going with 4.75 calories.
My final guess then (unless someone else has guessed it) is 3.80
Looking for basic quality of Matcha at price you just can not say “No” to?
The correct calorie count for 1 serving of flavored matcha is:
…and the winner is:
KIAHARII !!!!!!!!
That guess was spot on. If I did not know any better, I would say he/she had some inside information.
Kiaharii, please contact me [email protected] with your name, address and your choice of flavor :-)
Congrats! I was sooo close! :)
Yay! Great job, and even though we didn’t win a prize, it feels like winning to find out how few calories are in our matcha!
Congrats! I was tempted to change my answer to “3.14” at the last minute to represent pi, but I still wouldn’t have won. And I also agree with ashmanra!
Does anyone know how to reach Kiaharii regarding winning of that contest? I tried to reach her but no luck. Can someone help me out please?
I just sent her a PM pointing her to this message :)
Ahh! Didn’t even see this! Will send you a message!
To all coffee lovers: Join us, come to the dark side… LOL
To make it easier, all coffee flavored matcha is on sale this weekend, all 3 of them, 40% OFF :-)
What about Kona??
And LOL @ Sil. I knew you’d be excited about this too.
So tempting but I already have so many flavors. Lol.
Rachel – I’m in the same boat. I finished up my mocha the other day though..and my coffee flavoured one is running low. I was wondering about kona as well, but i’m thinking maybe this is a chance to try out espresso!
Thank you for reminding me about Kona Matcha.
It’s on sale now as well.
I don’t know how espresso tastes, but kona tastes a lot like biting into a coffee bean. Not sure if that’s the kind of flavor you want, but it’s definitely got that coffee essence.
I remember the first time I tried espresso, mostly because it was the last time I tried espresso too. It was totally icky! (note: not referring to espresso Matcha, but the stuff they serve in cute little cups)
aww.. too bad I don’t like coffee and coffee flavoured things but that’s good for my wallet :D I look forward to the tasting notes :D
I might have to get the espresso matcha. When I went to Paris I’d have two espressos every day in our hotel (one in the morning, one at night). Nothing beats a strong cup of espresso with sugar cubes. We later found out that they were supposed to add it to the bill (at 2 euros a shot!!!) but didn’t because they thought my mom and I were cute haha.
I posted a thread called Matcha and how to make it. If you guys don’t mind posting how you do your matcha (cold, hot, whisked, shaken, etc..) and various things like that :D I think it might be helpful for people new to matcha :D Sorry back to your regularly scheduled thread, this has been an announcement from the We Love Matcha Corporation…. hehe
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