Haven’t played it in several months, but I also love gliding around the cold, dark, snowy world of Gotham in Batman: Arkham City.
Also on PS3-Bioshock 2 and LA Noire.
For PC-Diablo 3 just released a 1.0.4 update which nerfed Ghom just enough for me to finally beat him on Inferno.
Congratulations on beating him!
Ooh, I love Batman: Arkham City! Gotham and the cities in the Assassin’s Creed series are probably my favourite settings to wander around in. Either that, or I just love the option to run around on rooftops. :P
I love diablo 3 as well. Sadly, sometimes I get too into the game that my tea gets cold before I know it.
Agreed on Bioshock 1&2 and LA Noire, although I disagree on the platform – xbox 360 all the way! ;)
Uh oh, I got Tina hooked on Drawception and I can’t tear myself away from it. It’s a mix between telephone and Pictionary (I used to play iSketch a lot and this is SO superior to it)
It’s hilarious and addictive! If anyone else joins me and Tina (Red Rose), definitely follow me so I can see what you’re drawing :D!
Nik! I totally loved your disembodied head from yesterday! lol
lol thank you Daisy. =P I love just about all forms of Pictionary. I play Draw Something and Charadium on my iPad and really enjoy both. It’s going to be more difficult for me to get into Drawception without an iPad client, but we’ll see. So far, I’m enjoying watching games more than playing them; illustrating an entire phrase is really hard and I’m a wuss. =P
I’m now using my steam account which I only set up to send my friend a gift last year but since so many of you are on it I decided to try some games and send out friend invites :D
My steam is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054884515/
Ooo! Videogames and tea. Yay!
When Starcraft 2 was in closed beta, I drank Teavana’s Tranquil Dream constantly, so whenever I drink it now, I think VOID RAY RUSH! BAM.
Currently playing Borderlands to get ready for Borderlands 2, and reworking my way through the Halo series to get ready for Halo 4.
And I used to be a hard core WoW girl. Been on Frostwolf since Day 1 but I don’t play as much now since I can’t find a decent guild. For the Horde!
I LUB my guildies. We’re on Proudmoore if you’d like to roll a new toon or switch servers…
battling in starcraft while drinking a tea called tranquil dream? haha I love when a tea reminds me of a game I’ve played while drinking it.
Starcraft 2 was pretty awesome, I think I played the first one more though.
Right now playing Minecraft, its Amazing with tea :)
@Nik – Thanks! I’ll be sure to check you guys out when I get time to raid again. :D
@CupofTree – Well… when you’ve played five top ranking Koreans in a row (and by played I mean got destroyed effortlessly in a way that leaves you in a deep pool of festering shame), it really helps to have something to calm the nerves. ;)
Haven’t got into Minecraft yet. I heard it’s addictive. XD
Okay I haven’t played much of GW2 but I transfered for free to a different realm to play with my best friend. So I’m on Devona’s Rest the best thing about switching realms my character and name are exactly the same so I got to stay at my level with all my stuff (take that WoW!) I’m having sooo much fun! I don’t think I’ll ever tire of this game :D
I haven’t played that much, either, but have enjoyed what I have played so far. =)
My best friend got it later than I did and she is ahead of me :D I forget what she’s playing though. Personally I love being a Charr. (fur, tail, horns, running on all fours what’s not to like?) I haven’t read the novels yet but it’s on my list of to read (if not on goodreads then at least on my kobo)
I will play a Charr at some point. Right now I’m totally loving my Asuran thief. :D
Asurans are what WoW gnomes should look like :D I plan on having one for an alt just because they look cute/cool. I tried Slyvan back in beta and designed it to look like a very nice flower. Slyvans are cool too and a nice change from elf…
Has anyone played Slender? I’m so intrigued but completely terrified of it. I think I’d need a couple cups of chamomile afterwards to calm down from it, haha.
I have! As long as you play it during the day and in good company it really isn’t all that scary! :)
I just downloaded it last night! Got way too freaked out lol
Hahaha I have as well. Be careful not to spill your hot tea! I agree that a nice cup of tea would help calm your nerves after you play. I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to drink hot tea while you play though haha.
I love video games and have been a gamer for a long time, but sadly have next to no time to play them these days. :( I can occasionally be found on League of Legends under the name Hammaryn. If you ever get really bored, you can check out my old World of Warcraft vids here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hammardin
I’m a level 16th Charr Elmentalist and I love just roaming around this beautiful landscape :D
Nice! I’m still a level 11 Asuran thief. =)
I’m on Devona’s Rest name Sirius Starsong if your ever over there :D
I added you as a friend, but am on Crystal Desert. I can server-hop if we’re online at the same time, as long as they keep the server hops free. =)
I’ll add you when I’m online next just send me a message with your character’s name or your display name so I can :D My real life friend is on Devona’s Rest so I hopped over there so we could play :D although given the time difference between us it’s still rare :D
For some reason we weren’t following each other on Steepster, so I can’t message you. =) I’m bleepnik.7645 in Guild Wars (and am now following you on Steepster.)
I pretty much live on Ragnarok Online. /no1
My MMO of choice! Love it.
If anyone plays Realm of the Mad God (ftp) I’m Daisy Chubb on the USEast server! You can switch servers too to meet up. :3
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