What tea would be fun to sip while watching the new Woody Allen movie, “To Rome With Love”? Since it won’t be coming to our theater and I don’t want to drive an hour and 15min. to another theater to see it, I’ll have to wait for it to come to On Demand. Might as well have some tea ready when it does (next year?):(
Not really a movie, (though the episodes are long enough to pretty much be a movie) but that UK Sherlock Holmes series is so amazing. And of course, since they are British, only British-y teas will do. Of course, I’m not a huge fan of British style teas so…. I don’t know. I guess chai is linked to Britain! We’ll go with that. :)
AWESOME show glad to find someone else who loves it. I have season 1&2 on my PS3 so I can watch in full HD glory :D the cast rocks!
Season 3 come soon please!
My husband and I drink Baker Street Blend from Upton Imports with Sherlock, they have a $1 or $2 sample size available. Of course we also live on a Baker Street ;)
If shows count, I just watched the season premier of Breaking Bad with some earl grey. Really not a great show to enjoy with hot drinks—I nearly spilled it on myself several times!
How is Breaking Bad? My friend just gave us the first 2 seasons of that show and I don’t know anything about it or what tea I should be drinking with it.
I LOVE Breaking Bad. I wasn’t so sure about watching it at first, but it is consistently amazing through all 4 (5, now) seasons. Fantastic acting, prob the best on TV, and really interesting plotlines. It’s unlike any other show I’ve seen, but worth giving a shot if you like dark humor. It’s very tension-filled, so something calming and relaxing would probably be good to drink with it—or a really brisk black if you feel like being very hyper!
Interesting, sounds like something me and my hubby would enjoy. Both of us love dark humor. I’m thinking a brisk black tea would work.
Love breaking bad as well. I’m still on the 4th season but I agree that all of the plot lines add up and make sense. Nothing extreme or unrealistic really happens in this show and they do a good job of containing it all.
The beau and I watched the first 3 or 4 epidoes of Breaking Bad, and I must say I’m not sold yet. I’m not sure if we’ll finish up the first season or just give up on it. The characters drive me crazy (especially the wife) and the subject matter is really not my thing. Maybe I’ll grow to like it. :)
BrBa is definitely a love it or hate it show!
I just watched the first episode of BBC’s Sherlock. Why didn’t I know about this show before? I am a huge fan of the books and this is pretty amazing! Sadly there are only 3 episodes per season and only 2 seasons! It was happily accompanied by Paris tea!
I didn’t know about it until I saw the first season on Netflix Canada. Then I had to watch it more times than I can admit to…
As soon as I have more free time I am going to devour the entire series. I probably won’t want to say how many times I will end up watching it… :)
Watched the second to last episode tonight. So awesome. I think I have a crush on both of them. Don’t tell my husband!
I can’t wait to see the last one! But I’m also sad it’s the last one. :(
Had a glass of cold brewed Jing Shan green from verdant while watching tonight.
Season 3 is coming…. can’t wait :D
I like to drink Darjeelings while watching anything that David Attenborough narrates. Makes me feel high minded. Then I immediately watch Slapshot, or The Three Amigos.
Good old British murder mysteries + any nice black tea. Like Midsomer Murders, Foyles War, George Gently to name a few.
Interview With the Vampire is a great movie to enjoy with any tea…I recently did just that with a cup of Bigelow’s English Teatime (great tea for a very low price).
Great movie choice! The book is even better! :)
At the moment I’m watching “Coming To America” with Eddie Murphy and drinking Mocha Pu-erh from Mighty Leaf. Such a relaxing Saturday morning :]
Okay they are not movies but if we’re counting shows then other stuff from BBC should be mentioned. Okay mostly I just want to mention Doctor Who and Primeval :D
I love both of those shows too.
I love BBC period.
Just wish there was a BBC HD here in Canada that I could watch…
Of course the BBC version of Being Human was awesome! the US version is a bad copy. Annie was my favourite! Misfits was pretty good.
SlumDog Millionaire is a good movie to watch while drinking some Masala Chai :)
Its a wonderful story, It has romance, intellect, action, adventure along with some violence and betrayal its one of my favs, Good music in there too If you havent seen it then it is well worth a watch, highly recommended you will be entertained and learn some interesting things.
Slumdog Millionaire is a story about Jamal Malik(Dev Patel), an 18-year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai (previously called Bombay), India, who is just one question away from winning the grand prize on India’s version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? when he is accused of cheating on the grounds that no street kid could possibly know the answers to such impossible questions. In an attempt to prove his innocence, Jamal relates his life story, concentrating on the experiences that describe how he came to know the answers to each of the quiz questions.
Jai Ho!
I keep meaning to watch that… oh maybe I’ll just read the book :D
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