Epi Tea said

Why does it Matter? Tea Brewing Temperature

Here is an article I wrote giving some basic guidelines to using the correct water temperature for your steeping! Water temperature does make a huge difference. For example, you can literally “cook” your green teas if you’re using boiling water to steep them!

Here’s a handy chart:


14 Replies
mrmopar said

thanks very good guidelines!

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Umm… As a tea drinker that always microwaves their water, why is it bad? The water I use is reverse osmosis and heat it up in a pyrex.

You can burn or cook your leaves, which leaves your tea tasting bitter etc. Teas like White & Green are easier to burn.

I know that, I mean why is it bad to microwave heat your water verses kettle heating it?

James R said

Microwaving water doesn’t equally heat your water. As the mug heats up, the water that makes contact with the mug might be boiling, but the water in the middle is cooler.

Epi Tea said

Interesting science… It does make sense though. The main reason I have been using the microwave is because with our stove top it always has burn marks left on it when we use it.

Epi Tea said

Ahhh I understand. Using the stove is of course not absolutely necessary. Although that being said, tea is one of those things that is sensitive to the small details. A little difference goes a long way to add to the quality of your brew.

Spot52 select said

I wonder what would happen if you stirred the water after using the microwave. You would probably have to check your temperature after the stir. Of course microwaving can also cause problems with super heating. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_OXM4mr_i0 It is well worth the watch.

I think it also the amount of water you heat up matters. I usually heat up about 28oz every time. My guess is that in a pinch a microwave will do, but when you want to sit down and brew a special tea, use a kettle.

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teawade said

Very nice. Thanks for the great info.

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Interesting and very good to know. Thank you.

Epi Tea said

Your welcome, thanks for reading!

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I am very excited. My zojirushi comes in tomorrow!!!

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