Swapping Protocol?!?
I always try to include at least 4 teaspoons because I always make my tea by the pot… I try to throw in a few extras, even if it’s only teas that I’ve really stopped including in my own rotation and am hoping someone else will get use out of them. I package mine either in snack bags, double bagged, or tea filters bagged.
After my last horrific swap where it took me a month (or two…) To get teas out to the ever so patient Melanie, I had to go on a swapping hiatus…
I try to let the person know roughly how much I’m trading… but if not, I always try to give several cups worth.
As for getting stuff back, I’m happy the same way: Unless otherwise agreed upon, I am happy if I get 2+ cups out of what they send.
I usually ship Priority Mail, but that’s because I’m usually too lazy to wrap up a Parcel Post package… I’ll pay a bit more for the convenience of shoving it into a pre-made box while at the post office lol.
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