Just finished “Roots to the Earth” by Wendell Berry. Tea lovers and people who care about the food system and farmers should check him out.
“You might know, or find out, what it is to need help. So help people.” —The Branch Way of Doing, Roots to the Earth, Wendell Berry
I’m reading Crime And Punishment now, definitely not a light read but I’m into it.
I’m reading T.C. Boyle’s short stories. Such a fan. He is a genius. Anyone else like his writing?
Currently reading “The Bone Labyrinth” by James Rollins. This is the first book I’ve read by Rollins and I’m enjoying it so far. Like Dan Brown with a greater amount of science vs. history.
I’m nearly finished with this one, and just requested the first Sigma Force novel from our local library’s interlibrary loan program :) Excited to read more of them. It’s been a quick and enjoyable book. I think I’ve been reading too many big history books lately that a novel like this was very refreshing.
I just reviewed Tony Gebely’s Tea: a User’s Guide, not out very long yet. I really liked it, and it seemed to me it would appeal to a broad range of readers, from beginners up to quite advanced (the general point of the review). I’ll also add his site link related to book availability for a book description from the source as well.
Currently reading Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon for my tea book club. Anyone read it before? Having not gotten too far into the book yet, what kind of tea do you think would fit the mood or tone of the book?
I’ve read it. I think something with an undefinable, mysterious quality like a good aged oolong would fit well.
Thanks! I appreciate the response. I think I have just the thing. :)
Reading and loving Michael Pollan’s “A Place of My Own”.
Currently reading Rosshalde by Herman Hesse while I wait for a few books to get to my local library from other libraries around the state. On the way: Sandstorm by James Rollins and Casino Royale by Ian Fleming :)
Finished reading:
Girl on The Train by Paula Hawkins
Forever Odd by Dean Koontz
Now I am reading
Lockwood & Co. Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud
Shadows of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon*
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Scwab*
Mr.Penumbra’s 24 hour bookstore by Robin Sloan*
Eat,Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.
The ones with asterisks by them I would definitely recommend to anyone who loves fantasy, the last one…I do like it enough that I plan on reading her other stuff but not sure if I love it.
Reading Shadows of the Wind myself currently! I’m really liking it so far.
Cool! Yeah I am really tempted to buy it just so I can have my very own.
I finished:
Shadows of the Wind
A Darker Shade of Magic
Mr.Penumbra’s 24 hour bookstore.
The other two I couldn’t really get into, but not opposed to trying again at another time with the same books or with other books by the same author.
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