Tea & Books - What are you reading?

1992 Replies
chezmj said

Ancillary Sword, the second of Ann Leckie’s trilogy. Holy moley there is a TON of tea in these books :) I don’t think the characters drink much else. Ancillary Justice is the first in the series and it was very very good.

Rasseru said

Loved Ancillary Justice. am yet to read the others

Oh, just wait until you get to Ancillary Mercy!

I love the entire series so much. Of course, my username might give that away slightly.

chezmj said

Finished Ancillary Sword, now starting Ancillary Mercy. And yes, I did see your username and was happy to know there are other Leckie fans here.

nycoma said

my brothers reading that series.. i may want to look into it.

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Rasseru said

Finished ‘Horns’ by Joe Hill. It was brilliant. 5/5.

35% through ‘harbor’ by john ajvide lindqvist of ‘let the right one in’ fame.

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carol who said

I read a lot of Young Adult Fiction (SF/Fantasy), too. I often think it is written better than many “adult” books. :) I enjoyed the Enders Game but I didn’t know it’s a movie. I’ll have to check it out.

carol who —I second your assessment of YA SF/F. It can be quite good and sometimes superior to adult novels.

Have you read the Molly Fyde series by Hugh Howey? It’s one of my favorite YA SF. Hugh is mainly known for his dystopian trilogy Wool/Shift/Dust (which is excellent) but the characters and story lines in Molly Fyde have stayed with me even two years after reading it. In fact, it’s probably time for a re-read :)

tigress_al said

Especially Harry Potter!

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nycoma said

something wicked this way comes by ray bradbury

Rasseru said

ah i have it in my goodreads ‘want to read’ list. let us know how you get on with it (not one spoiler please!)

gmathis said

Wow…that’s one of those I had to read in high school lit class and didn’t really get. Wonder how it would translate a few decades down the road :) (Did you know there was a movie based on the book done in the early 80’s? I didn’t get it, either, but then, I was all twinkly-eyed over my date and didn’t pay attention!)

nycoma said

i can already tell you it’s beautifully worded, sort of poetic. im often finding i dont know whats happening as i read, but then it becomes clear again.. its not a bad thing since its well written.

also no i didnt know of the movie, i’ll watch it after reading, thanks.

Rasseru said

is it serious or long winded like a stephen king or more simpler & shorter? im trying to rack my brains if ive read anything else by him.

nycoma said

i would describe it as sporadic, not long winded at all. im thinking that the plot is fairly simple but the execution is what makes it.

Rasseru said
sounds interesting. I Actually like Stephen kings long-winded descriptions, it wasn’t really a negative point.
nycoma said

i like stephen king to, mainly gerald’s game.

Rasseru said

i had that waiting for me to read it so i have just started. 10% through. interesting!

nycoma said

hope you like it, its psychologically thrilling.

Rasseru said

im hooked already. I love the way he really puts you in someones mind – Just the right amount of description, im really beginning to feel it. Totally my favourite writer for sheer consistency

nycoma said

its a great story. probably the only book so far to really make me feel alone and stressed out.. and i love that. i love the way the setting takes on a life of its own.

Rasseru said

I actually started a thread on goodreads about the fact that the last few books loved were as much about the place as the characters in it. He has definitely mastered the art of nihilism hasn’t he.

Rasseru said

You might like ‘the long walk’ by him as Bachmann. I think he wasn’t even 20 when he wrote it. Don’t read a synopsis, just pick it up if you haven’t read it yet.

nycoma said

yea, it may be his default attitude towards life.. and i know how that goes so it sometimes resonates with me. what i love about gerald’s game is that the room is so unforgiving to her struggle, and you get the sense that the room would not be affected in the slightest if she were there or not.. the weight of the world is on her shoulders.
i’m on goodreads, havnt been active on it at all, possibly due to the fact that i find it a bit confusing to navigate. id like to read your thread though, where can it be found?

Rasseru said

Yeah goodreads.. I wish you could sort by first date published, and most of the recommendations are not to my taste but I’ve found some good ones. And a nice repository for reviews to remind you who you liked.

The thread isn’t great but there’s a few suggestions :

Rasseru said

Funnily enough geralds game fits perfectly with what the thread was about, serious stories that couldn’t be guessed from the title!

nycoma said

those are my favorite kinds of books.

Rasseru said

‘The Ruins’ by Scott Smith is quite a good one. Didnt see that coming.

And of course, the grandaddy of them all, ‘House of Leaves’ by Mark Danielewski. My favourite book ever, and every fan of any good story ever should just bypass all synopsis or reviews and just read the damn thing. 10/10

nycoma said

interesting.. im going to have to add those to my tbr pile. you might like false memory by dean koontz.

Rasseru said

Excellent! I love it when people haven’t read it. Ive never read false memory either.

rasseru — I could not find House of Leaves in the Kindle store. Found the author but not the book. Was this published a long time ago?

TeaExplorer – House of Leaves is really a book you need to read in print, since it does a lot of things with the canvas of the page itself that you can’t reproduce in ebook form.

Christina — Thanks! Found it in paperback on Amazon.

Rasseru said

I was going to write that, not sure why i didn’t post it! Was busy going to Halloween makeup

Hardback is best, then paperback, then mobi version. Really want the hardback but it’s expensive!

Rasseru said

Not certain but thought the mobi or epub version was close to the paperback? I have the paperback and is not in colour… Its the story for me anyway, absolutely love it.

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gmathis said

Just finished “Letters from Skye.” For all you sentimental, period-piece, WWI/WWII lovers, it spans both wars and is a story told strictly through letters and postcards. Lovely, gentle, sweet, recommended.

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yssah said

it’s not really a book but in Adele’s new music video, she steeps a cup of tea but she put the hot water before the teabag and got criticized for it. oh well.

i am reading a medical manga called Team Medical Dragon :) i wonder what would be a good tea to drink with this. it has lots of cardiac surgeries…

Rasseru said

something like a sheng with that menthol or medicine aroma to make you think of antiseptic?

yssah said

lol haha nice

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Uniquity said

I’m sort of reading three books, which is unusual for me.

I started Jeremy Clarkson’s Round the Bend as I really enjoy Top Gear and his style of humour, but it isn’t quite as much fun on paper as screen so I set it aside when I received some library books.

Right now I have a chapter or two left of Mindy Kaling’s first book (Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me?) and I love it. I am also a big Kaling fan and it is easy to read in her voice.

Then in my bag I also have Jenny Lawson’s first book (Let’s Pretend this Never Happened) so I have something to switch to over lunch.

Man, I love the library!

tigress_al said

Is the Kaling book funny?

Uniquity said

I’m torn about it. I enjoyed it, but found it a bit similar to the character she writes and portrays on the Mindy Project. I love the show, but I guess I wanted a little more from the book. I definitely chuckled a few times when I read it though, and that was the point.

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Fault in our stars is best book i’v ever red

That one’s in my queue… looking forward to it :)

chezmj said

John Green is good stuff! I need to read Fault in Our Stars also, keep getting distracted by other books.

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Сова said

I started getting into cozy mystery novels this year, so I’ve been reading a paranormal mystery called “Witch Weigh”.

This sounds cute! I also read cozy mysteries from time to time, especially if they have a paranormal angle. I finished the Samantha Sweet series earlier this year and really liked it.

Vanyahiril said

I love cozy mysteries! I haven’t read any paranormal ones, so I’ll have to look it up!

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I usually have a few books going at once. My current list is:

Lean In by Sheryl Sandburg
Coffee Lunch Coffee by Alana Muller
The Light Between Oceans by Stedman M.L.

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