if your on goodreads or want to be the thread with all us steepsters posting our goodreads contact is “goodreads.com” type that into the discussion area if it’s not right up there and your good. I’m currently reading Running with the Demon by Terry Brooks it happens before Armageddon’s children and is preShannara. I’m basically reading them in chronological order as I’ve read the Sword of Shannara trilogy, and heritage of shannara a few times :D
Just finished “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt.
For Christmas the beau got me a Doctor Who book and I started it this morning – so far I love it! I have been wondering how I will survive until August without new Who but these books are perfect for me. This one is “Touched by an Angel” and it is very easy for me to drift away and imagine The Doctor, Amy and Rory on this adventure. It doesn’t hurt that I love the Weeping Angels as well. I will definitely be looking for more of these.
I really want to read that one! The weeping Angels are by far my favorite 2005 series monster.
I am re-reading The Lord of the Rings. I found this neat tumblr group that is Tolkien read-along, and thought, it has been a few years since I read the trilogy rather than my annual Silmarillion reading.
The only problem is it is hard to sip tea and read because the book I am reading is HUGE! When I got the illustrated complete trilogy I did not take into account how unwieldy it is.
Uh oh… I’m such a big fan of Lord of the Rings. Watched the movies, have the DVDs, but I haven’t read the books yet. Can’t wait to do it.
Oooooooooo I’m reading the Silmarillion for the first time now. Getting through chapter 14 was Brutal.
I listen to the Silmarillion on tape when I fall asleep. (I’ve seen all the movies and read all the books + hobbit). It’s just so lovely to listen too.
I should look into getting it on tape, it would be useful when I want to multitask :)
Someone really needs to come up with something that holds such books open. My copy of Middlemarch is the same way! (Love LOTR and the Silmarillion…!)
I just finished Tea Marketing Systems in Bangladesh, China, Inia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, a review published by the UN in 1996. Just picked up H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine.
So, I’m going to sound like a total dork but I’m currently re-reading The Chronicles of Narnia. There is nothing more comforting then your childhood favorites and some nice soothing tea when you’re sick.
Pff, not at all. Rereading the Chronicles of Narnia and the Famous Fourteen of Oz are on my to-do list. I’ve already got the volumes.
The Chronicles of Narnia are on my reading list for when I am allowed once more to read non-fiction. Can’t wait.
I adore the Chronicles of Narnia. They were my absolute favorite books when I was a preteen.
Great literature is great literature, whether it’s a kid read or not. Loved Narnia and reading it with my son when he was still lap-sized!
I’m glad that I’m not the only one! :)
Dork? What? No way. Great stories are timeless and for people of every age. I’ve re-read the Chronicles of Narnia countless times.
I’m working on Storm of Swords from ASoIaF and The Hobbit. The Hobbit is a re-read that is preparation for the new movie (that I still haven’t seen!) and Storm of Swords is me trying to make my way through the series for the first time.
I’m getting ready to start reading the next Jane Yellowrock book, which just came out this week. I’m really excited about it! These books are an urban fantasy series but the main character is a big tea drinker and is one of the things that led to my interest in loose leaf tea!
I’m nearing the end of February by Lisa Moore. I must have done an event with the author when an independent bookstore I used to work for was still open as I have had a signed copy on my shelf for 4 or 5 years and only just started it this year. It is actually really good and I feel bad for ignoring it. It’s hard to describe, but focuses on the life of Helen and her children, especially in the aftermath of her husband’s (Cal) death on an oil rig. Set mainly in Newfoundland and really interesting, bopping around in time with different characters. It’s sometimes heartbreaking but really captivating. Plus, Maritime love! :)
I just finished Doctor Sleep (Stephen King), which I loved. Now I am onto Let the Right One In, which is pretty odd so far, but I’ve heard lots of good things about it.
Oh I got Doctor Sleep for my birthday couple of weeks ago. It’s next on my list to read.. :)
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