Tea & Books - What are you reading?
There’s a Doctor Who book club on goodreads.com for those that are interested. The club starts reading Doctor Who: Peacemaker by James Swallow Sept. 1 2012 :D
Now reading Haunted by Kelley Armstrong :D Drinking Read My Lips by David’s Tea :D
Just finished Elegance of the Hedgehog – it was okay. Maybe a bit deep into the philosophy for my normal taste but decently written. Now I’m trying to work through Crow Road by Iain Banks but I’m having trouble with the nonstructure. :) Waiting impatiently for Joe Abercrombie’s next book – Red Country to come out in October. I may have to give up on Crow Road and zoom through some Patricia Briggs to keep me occupied until then! Though I did just pick up Swastika Night – based on a review my husband read he thought I would like it.
I picked up Little Bee at a book giveaway; plowed through half of it and gave up. I read to relax and be entertained. Unfortunately, it did neither.
The talking Cure, it’s about the scientific affects of psychotherapy. Mostly read it with some of my baked apple pie tea from teaopia
Just finished The Broken Kingdoms by NK Jemisin and started on the Magicians by Lev Grossman!
I don’t know if anyone else checked out Pottermore… but I did. I did the tests and now I have a wand that is 10inches long and made out of English Oak with a Unicorn core. Apparently it is quite flexible. I also got sorted and put into the Hufflepuff house :D
Helena – tried that too but soon got tired of it. Think I was either huddle puff or ravenclaw
I’ve been doing research of sorts on YA books (in preparation for working on one) so I’ve been going through them at a pretty rapid pace. In the past 2 weeks I’ve burned through Divergent/Insurgent, Delirium, Clockwork Angel/Clockwork Prince, and The Maze Runner. I’m currently working on The Mortal Instruments (which admittedly I kind of have to force my way through) and Incarceron is next up. I usually go for heavier stuff so it’s nice to have a big pile of ‘fluff’ waiting for me!
If you run out of YA books to read that are decent let me know. You’d think i had kids at the rate i run through them. Just like to have things to read that are simple but still enjoyable..plus i tell myself i’ll like knowing things when i finally have kids…and they grow up haha
Fluffy books are sometimes the very best thing, especially when you can curl up with a hot cup of tea and just dive in! Sil, let me know if you have any other recommendations—the only other recent YA books I’ve read are the Hunger Games trilogy and Railsea (though really, that hardly qualifies).
The “Gone” novels by michael grant aren’t half bad (Gone, Hunger, Lies…) Virals – kathy Reichs (wrote the adult books Bones is based on) also the “you want to be a wizard” series from diane duane…the warrior heir is another one and then tamara pierce did the lioness rampant series ages ago… probably a few more i can pull together if i give it more thought. I tend to read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy so that’s where my recommendations tend to go towards.
One book series that isn’t YA that is like a fantasy with asian influences is "White Tiger by kylie chan still light readin but a little heavier than YA
oh and also not YA but i find to be light reading are the piers anthony incarnations books – starts with On a pale horse
Tamora Pierce is great she wrote the Alanna (song of lioness 4books) then the Immortals series (4books) and then Protector of the Small (which is awesome!) she wrote a few more in the same world but I haven’t read them yet :D
If you haven’t already, Kelley Armstrong’s YA novels (Darkest Powers; The Summoning, The Awakening, The Reckoning and Darkness Rising; The Gathering and the Calling) are quite good and take place in the same universe as her very well written Women of the Otherworld series.
But I also second the recommendation for Tamora Pierce.
Thanks for the recommendations everyone! I’ve actually read a lot of Piers Anthony, I practically devoured his books when I was younger. Tamora Pierce has been on my list for a while, definitely going to check her books out!
I’ve read the darkest powers series by Kelly Armstrong as well as the bonus pack :D I haven’t read her two latest YA novels the calling and the gathering I think they are called. I have them both on my Kobo Touch just haven’t read them yet :D Kelly Armstrong is one of my fave Canadian authors :D
The Calling is good! I just got the Gathering in from the library after a month wait (ugh!) and once I finish the series I’m currently reading, I think that’s next.
For something both awesome and fluffy try Patricia C Wrede’s Dealing With Dragons books. For something inspiring and well crafted try anything by Jerry Spinelli. I really liked his books Stargirl and Crash. Also, Howl’s Moving Castle is as good a book as it is a movie. :)
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones is awesome!! I haven’t read the rest of the series: Castle in the Air, and The House of Many Ways it’s on my to read list :D
Mecuryhime!!! Oh man I’d totally forgotten about Patrcia C Wrede’s books. Good call. :)
It’s brilliant that you are preparing to write your own YA—we, along with our namesake Hugo are quite fond of writing and quite assured of its value.
And no doubt you plan to guzzle tea at a rate of 1 gallon per chapter written?
What can you tell us about your upcoming novel? Any hints?
Absolutely check out John Green, in particular Looking for Alaska. Green is an excellent YA author and I think one of the best right now.
Wow Cassandra Claire, I used to read her Harry Potter fanfiction, loved her Draco. I haven’t picked up any of the books but it looks like she’s doing well for herself, films with some big names too!
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