Steepsterites on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook Updated: 10-2-12

112 Replies
Sare said

No twitter? :-( Alas, we cannot follow you.

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I’m fairly inept regarding most social networking things, although I am a member of a few: FB, Twitter (although I still don’t really tweet much, & honestly don’t know what I’m doing), LinkedIn (same as twitter), & I just joined Google+. Just look for Terri Langerak, or Terri Stamper Langerak. If that doesn’t work, visit my website (which I did design & continue to maintain, so I guess I do know how to do a few things online) & send me an email!
Mostly I’m either on here or on FB. I know how these 2 work.
Pinterest freaked me out, so I didn’t join.

Actually, a friend talked me into joining Pinterest, but again, I don’t really understand what’s going on there. I’m going to invite he for tea, & while she’s here she will hopefully show me what to do

Nik select said

Terri, what I’ve found is that all these networks are whatever you make of them. I have a habit of joining new services just to reserve my username. When I joined Pinterest, I really didn’t understand why I’d want to use it. And then I started saving my favourite t-shirts to a t-shirt board. And I started saving “cool stuff for the house” to its own board. And I started saving sneakers I liked to a “happy feet” board. And so my collection started growing. For me, Pinterest is a place to put images that I find around the ‘net that I want to keep—to browse, to share, for posterity, for reference, for inspiration, whatever—but that I don’t necessarily want to keep on my hard drive. I mean, what am I going to do with a bunch of t-shirt design images on my hard drive? But on Pinterest, these images get “liked” and shared by people who see them and enjoy them, and in this way I can share my interests with others.

Hope that helps.

So I can start a board of Tattoos or recipes I like & things like that…gardening, music (obviously!)

I’m one of those learn by doing types, so I’ll have to start playing around with it. That’s how I learned how to design my website!

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pinterest: mostly food and crafts pinned.

(jiujitsu blog I put on hiatus)

Facebook: Oolong Owl

Cool! I like Brazilian jiu jitsu, although I didn’t really practice it much. I was more into Capoeira until I moved and now there’s no martial arts school nearby.

Interesting. We look forward to your tweets. Followed.

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I’m not in facebook nor pinterest.

Google plus:


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Nik select said

Actual blog: I’m working on it

Everything all in one place:

I love the name of your tumblog, mine is Daisy’s Chubbs haha!

Nik select said

Thanks! :D

That is a…comprehensive list. I hope following you only on twitter suffices.

Nik select said

Of course! All, some, none, it’s up to you. =)

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Claire said

I just learned about pinterest thanks to Verdant Tea’s giveaway!

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If your on google+ I will find you and add you to my steepster circle :D

just added Reasoned_Melody to the G+ list :D

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Valerie said

Facebook: Send me a message and I’ll give you my name. :)

I have Pinterest but I don’t really like it.

Followed. Raining Castles? Intriguing (and funny if you consider it literally).

Valerie said

It’s a song title. xD Unfortunately Twitter has gotten so big that it’s impossible to find a more normal username!

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