TeaVivre said

Teavivre Featured Tea Assortment Samples

A selection of assorted sample teas are online now. It is great to help tea lovers find out which ones you prefer with reasonable price. Meanwhile, it’s also a perfect way to try different flavors of teas.


5 Replies
Azzrian said

AWESOME!!!! So happy you all added these! Thank you :)

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Missy said

Yay! I’m so glad you offered sample packs. I had a hard time deciding which teas to sample. Lol, I did entertain the idea of one sample of every single tea. ;) Thanks guys!

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jones5874 said

Love the samplers. Now hoping they will add some Dancongs!

TeaVivre said

Thanks for the suggestion, and I believe that tea will be available on our site soon!

jones5874 said

Great! I have been drinking a few wonderful Dancongs lately, but they are harder to find.

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