Using cast iron pot, tea darkening
Hi. I’m using a tetsubin, enameled inside, and I’ve noticed that my tea darkens A LOT while sitting inside it… as in, a clear white tea becomes as dark or darker than a black tea usually is.
Is this normal? Okay? Am I going to die? lol
I’ve never used enameled cookware where the food/drink has taken on the color of the enamel like that. This doesn’t seem healthy.
I have a tetsubin I’ve been using for over 10 years and I’ve never noticed that happening. I have to wonder if you have a defective teapot.
Well how long do you let it sit there for? If you have a tea light running underneath, perhaps you are boiling/steaming off some of the water thereby concentrating the tea?
At the very most, an hour. But it starts to change after around 15 minutes, as in my second cup is already browning when I pour it.
It seems that your teapot’s enamel layer has got small cracks (might be too small to be noticed by eyes). Tea polyphenol can react with ferric ion to give dark color. Since it happens within just 15 minutes, it looks like such reaction. Iron is not harmful as long as there isn’t too much of it. But you may need to keep a close eye on the teapot and see if there is further wears of the enamel lining.
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