You know you're "addicted" to tea when ....
You put in an order that is shipping out of China and obsessively check the tracking number several times a day to see how close it is to…wait, is that the doorbell?
Looking through your stash to see what you need to sipdown to move in a few months, except you make a mental list of what to re-order later.
Yes! That’s pretty much how I’ve been deciding which teas to drink lately. The summer heat is really slowing me down, though.
My dashboard currently is showing 14 tea reviews (ok 15 but one of them is mine) – of those 14 random teas that people have reviewed I OWN 8 of them. You know you have too much tea when….
I think I have a problem….
That happens to me too, but that’s not the case today. None of these were “thank yous” because I sent them out. I just feel like I OWN everything being reviewed today. :))
Thanks. You have a lot more pu’erh than I do, and I’m jealous of the Héritage Gourmand by Mariage Frères. :))
(I actually like “getting lost” in other’s cupboards, but part of me feels a little guilty for snooping even though it’s on the internet for public viewing – strange that I think that way)
It’s too bad we couldn’t couldn’t all get together and let people snoop, sniff, oooh and awwww. Strike a deal, do a swap in real life. Like a tea addicts convention. Bring your stash and see what everyone has.
That heritage ‘MF are samples fr CharlotteZero. 1-3tsp.They are not amazing, at least to me. I haven’t finish trying all she send. Yea, I got lots of puerh, some samples but huge ones. And I didn’t update my cupboard for some time. Maybe I have the same # as you are. Those cakes from YS are not tiny, 357g some 400g. I’m just absolutely crazy about Haiwan recipe. I should send you some to try when I get home. Don’t worry I don’t want to unload, haha
Going out of town, and planning to go slightly out of my way (and it ended up taking longer than expected), to visit a specific tea shop. They were closed the last time I was buy, and they had a lychee tea I wanted.
When your medications that make you feel hungry make you crave tea instead of actual food. 0_0
That’s becoming a big thing for me since my drugs at night make me crave tea, and I can’t drink late at night because then I have to keep getting up to go to the bathroom. >>
… you go in for your semi annual dental check up and they look at your teeth and ask you if your are a tea drinker. This happened to me today. She didn’t ask if I drink coffee or if I smoke, straight up asked if I was a tea drinker. Well she hit the nail on the head. Must be staining my teeth, but it’s worth it. :)
You know you’re addicted to tea when you’re watching How I Met Your Mother and something flashes across the screen for literally less than a second that makes you jump up and go “Ohh I never noticed this scene with Ted drinking tea. Is that cast iron?!” And your sister just looks at you like you’re crazy. Photo evidence: (yes, I took a screen shot and uploaded it to flickr just for you :).
Nerding out because Weird Al mentions herbal tea in his new album…hehe.
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