When the kitchen is packed with family members and a path through magically opens up when the timer starts beeping because no one wants to get run over by me on my way to my tea station.
When you find yourself browsing ebay for hours on end adding tea and teaware to your watch lists/bidding on tea and teaware/convincing yourself NOT to bid on or buy even MORE tea or teaware.
When more than a third of your intagram photos are tea-related.
Lol. Those sound like my kind of instagram photos! :)
When you get a headache, and realize it’s coz you missed your tea :/
I am nothing like most of you hoarders. My intesity is not that high. But I did spend days looking for a particular tea online and then drove 2 hours to retreive it. ☺
Oh yeah… you’re not addicted! (sarcasm intended!) :)
When you are thinking about getting into pottery, mostly because then you will be able to make your own teaware!!
I made my own teapot and teacup!
When you go to post a tasting note on a new tea only to realize you’ve had it before and don’t remember!
That totally happened to me a week ago! Ha!
When you are at a party and everyone is drinking alcohol and you start craving a cuppa tea, so you find a reason to head out early cause all they have is grocery store tea.
When you start thinking of which teas and liqueurs might pair well together so you can have a little nip with your drinking buddies or better yet, turn them into tea drinkers.
When you spend a little over a year arranging to take an interpreter to a tea shop that is 350 miles away from home.
That last one is extra special. How did that happen?
Wow to the last one! That’s so cool! I want to hear the story too.
When you read some of these posts and decide to take up the habits that don’t apply to you yet: “oh that’s such a good idea! I should totally start a tea spreadsheet/name my pets after tea/include tea in my entertainment budget/make my own tea ware!”
when I spend all night on a Saturday browsing websites on tea and teaware looking and dreaming. I have teas in carts on four different websites, and I really shouldn’t be ordering from any for right now. (I have six different shipments on their way.)
Leaving a few minutes last because you were waiting for tea to brew in your to-go cup.
I spent a while one day last week looking for a tea shop. Just so I could get a new steeper. (The other shop I wanted to visit was closed that day.)
When you drive, willingly, with 2 teen boys blasting rap do you. can visit. a store 30 miles away.
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