When you have 68 teas in your cupboard, have tried more than 50 of them, have another 10 on the way, and you’ve only been drinking tea for two weeks. I used to say I disliked tea, but I had only drank Lipton and Tetley before two weeks ago. I was never this addicted to coffee!
I was the same way. Only had crappy tea & my stash grew quickly. So quickly I cannot even keep up to organize it.
…when visitors offer to pay money when being seved a cup of tea, thinking you own a tea house of some kind and need the financing to avoid bankruptcy!
I guess the prominent wooden armoire in my kitchen strickly reserved for tea might be misleading! (I am reorganizing it, when it’s all done and I’m finally proud of it, I might post what it looks like in the existing topic I saw here)
I’ve started drinking hot black tea with meals, in addition to water.
I guess your even more addicted when you don’t see anything abnormal about that! :)
for me it is green, but agree with Azzrian…been doing this for years, sans water.
I like chai with dinner, and rooibos later in the evening.
im doing a daniel fast next week and top beverage i cant have is tea… I WORK AT DAVIDS TEA WHAT AM I GONNA DO.
Wait, what?? I don’t…understand those words together, something about “can’t” and “have” and “tea”!! lol
When you don’t even blink when your bill at the end of a tea shopping trip is over $100.
When you drink more tea than plain water (at least 4 refills of my 1.8L kettle worth of tea per day…)
When you want to cry when your family or friends refuse to try the new tea you just got and are super excited about because it’s absolutely incredible.
When you want to cry (happily!) because your condescending family FINALLY agrees to try some of your tea and they actually LIKE some of the ones you chose!
Your husband says “I have to admit, this expensive tea smells really good,” and you reply “Which one?”
You offer everyone who comes into your house tea. Everyone.
Yes, even small children!!
Then you secretly question their character when they turn it down. I mean seriously, why not tea? I have all kinds!
I feel the same way! When they turn down tea I always tell them that I have so many different kinds, anything they could want! If they still say no, the secret judging beings.
Alpha kitty – I usually just think “oh, they like berries/whatever flavour” then make the a cuppa regardless. It works all then time. People are usually too polite to refuse something if its in their faces, and like it in the end!
When guests turn down tea, and you’re like: huh?? Yes!
Generally speaking this doesn’t bother me…it means I don’t have to share ;)
Though I do wish my Dad and StepMom would get more into tea, well my Dad kind of likes more tea, but can’t help but wonder is he humoring me. pouts if so, I’d rather he just be honest and tell me he just is not interested with exception of an occasional cup, If even that.
You bring over half a dozen tea choices to your sister’s house to watch the season 3 premiere of Downton Abbey. “Well this one is called Earl of Anxi, it’s an oolong with frankincense, this one is Lavender Earl Grey, then there’s a mix of two Earl Greys with some rose in it, here’s a smokey Scottish black and some Black Currant, I recommend drinking it with the french vanilla, it reminds me of Lady Mary”. Though I was routing for the Earl of Anxi, Lady Mary won ;)
Perfect! Of course I had to have tea tonight while watching Downton Abbey too! Oh, and don’t you want to know what kind of tea they are drinking in all those scenes?
Always wondering when watching Downton Abbey WHAT is in those tea cups!
You start bringing your own teas to parties, along with food.
amen to this one!! prepacking your tea bags with loose leaf so you’re never stranded. My boyfriends step father emptied a few Lipton bags and refilled them with my Davids sample last time we were there because I forgot my tea bags and he knew I couldn’t just settle.
You know you’re addicted to tea when the first thing that pops up when you type “S” into your web browser’s address bar is Steepster, “D” is DAVIDs Tea, “R” is Red Leaf Tea, “A” is Adagio, and “F” is “flowering tea creation” (I like watching video clips of blooming teas being made and then blooming, it’s fascinating!)
I love flowering teas I’ll have to check that out. That will now be on my favorites tab haha…. :-)
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