Problems With Teavivre Website. Unable To Order Teas!
After many hours of careful research on Steepster, I selected three teas I wanted to purchase from Teavivre. I had a lot of problems with their website when I tried to place the order last night. The website would not accept my billing address, which is different from the shipping address. It was late last night when I finally gave up from brain fatigue and shut down my computer. Before shutting down my computer, I sent Teavivre an email asking for help. It has been 24 hours and I have heard nothing from Teavivre. Crickets! Has anyone else had this problem? Unless I hear from Teavivre in the next 24 hours, I will be forced to purchase my teas from another company. This is crazy!
They are usually very awesome over at Teavivre…. I’d say give it another day, they might have it figured out.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience you’ve experienced last night. would you mind to let me know your email address via private message? I’ll check and find the problem soon. Please accept my sincere sorry for this unpleasant situation.
After noticed your posted about this, I’ve checked all the messages from Nov.10 to Nov.14. Finally, I found your message in the spam box,and we’re sorry again for the late reply about the problem you met. Have you received this notice at checkout page?
If it is convenient for you, would you please be kind to try it again? We can manually change your shipping information after the order is placed.
Hope to hear from you soon!
I’m having the same problem. I can’t even access the website anymore or log in from the lucky dice page.
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