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Sencha “Ise”
La Belle Epoque
Matcha Black Soybean Rice Tea
Lychee Barley Tea (bagged)
Lupicia Darjeeling, BPS (bagged)
Put in an order with some friends. My first order from Della Terra- I tried, but couldn’t resist the 30%. Got some friends to order enough so we paid no shipping.
1 oz each of:
Anti V-day Treat
Earl Grey Creme
Hawaiian Dreams
2 oz of Lemon Chiffon (because the 1 oz ran out)
My friends got:
Blueberry Afternoon
Caramel Capuccino Crunch
Earl Grey Creme
Mellow mango Peach
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
Strawberry Kiwi Fusion
Overall, a 56 dollar order brought down to $39. Nice!
1 x Around the World Sampler () = $25.60
1 x Very Raspberry () = $1.30
Pack size sample (10 cups)
1 x Juicy Peach () = $1.30
Pack size sample (10 cups)
Sub-Total: $28.20
Table Rate (Best Way): $3.75
Total: $31.95
From Teajo
Zojirushi Water Heater Cleaner Descaler
1oz. = single use
45454545 1 $ 2.50
Morning Sun
1 ounce
3500 1 $ 6.00
Golden Needle Premium
1 ounce
SKU410 1 $ 6.50
Golden Strand
1 ounce
SKU418 1 $ 6.50
Black Gold
1 ounce
SKU412 1 $ 6.25
Thick Porcelain Gaiwan – 150ml Light Green TWG150G 1 $ 30.00
Stainless Fine Mesh Filter SKU256 1 $ 6.00
Red iris Ceramic Sipping Cups 5236523 2 $ 12.00
Subtotal $ 75.75
Shipping & Handling $ 5.00
Tax $ 0.00
Grand Total $ 80.75
From Mandala Tea
Just put an order in to DavidsTea
Genmaicha 50g
Gyokuro Yamashiro 25g
Cinnamon Rooibos Chai (organic) 50g
Cream of Earl Gray (organic) 50g
Total $32.50 wtih $5 shipping and handling.
Can’t wait! :)
Ok, seriously. This is the last post for a long time (I hope) about orders! I just need to stop looking at the discussion threads, as I keep finding discounts that I can’t pass up. Anyway, been wanting to try matcha for awhile, and thanks to Red Leaf Tea and Azzrian I was able to do so at 50% off. Couldn’t pass it up. Excuses, excuses…
Watermelon Matcha – small/basic grade/distinctive taste
Custom Blueberry and Strawberry Matcha – ditto above
I wanted to keep buying more since the deal was so fantastic and all the flavors looked wonderful, but I was able to control myself a little. My wallet thanks me.
Anyway, excited!!
HRB-CHVB Chamomile Vanilla Bean Herbal Tea
Size: 1.5oz (30 cups) 20% Savings $5.00 1 $5.00
HRB-WSOL Winter Solstice Herbal Tea
Size: 3oz (30 cups) 20% Savings $8.40 1 $8.40
HRB-APT Apple and Pear Tulsi Herbal Tea
Size: 3oz (30 cups) 20% Savings $8.40 1 $8.40
RED-CCR Carrot Cake Rooibos
Size: Sample (10 cups) $3.00 1 $3.00
RED-CN Caribbean Nectar
Size: Sample (10 cups) $3.50 1 $3.50
RED-CCH Chocolate Cake Honeybush
Size: Sample (10 cups) $3.00 1 $3.00
HIB-TAAV Turkish Apple “Apple Vanilla” Hibiscus Fruit Tisane
Size: Sample 1oz $3.00 1 $3.00
HIB-APST Apple Strudel Hibiscus Fruit Tisane
Size: Sample 1oz $3.00 1 $3.00
GRN-WLIME Watermelon Lime Green Tea
Size: Sample (10 cups) $3.00 1 $3.00
HIB-WCH Wild Cherry Hibiscus Fruit Tisane
Size: 3oz (30 cups) 20% Savings $7.20 1 $7.20
HIB-RASPH Raspberry Hibiscus Fruit Tisane
Size: Sample (10 cups) $3.00 1 $3.00
HIB-BLKB Blackberry Hibiscus Fruit Tisane
Size: Sample 1oz $3.00 1 $3.00
HIB-PCHI Peach Infusion Hibiscus Fruit Tisane
Size: Sample 1oz $3.00 1 $3.00
BLK-RPV Red Vineyard (Peach/Berry) Black Tea
Size: Sample (10 cups) $3.50 1 $3.50
BLK-KLC Key Lime Ceylon Black Tea
Size: Sample (10 cups) $3.00 1 $3.00
Subtotal: $63.00
Discount(s): $6.30
TOTAL: $56.70
Fusion Teas
Steep City Teas order! WOOOOOOT! I love the last two teas I got from them, so I’m hoping these will be amazing! Really good prices too!
1x Ginger Zinger – 2 oz (25-30 servings) for $8.00 each
1x Bursting Lychee – 2 oz (25-30 servings) for $7.75 each
1x Blushing Geisha – 2 oz (25-30 servings) for $4.50 each
1x Agua di Jamaica – 2 oz (25-30 servings) for $5.00 each
1x Sexy Chai – 2 oz (25-30 servings) for $4.75 each
came to $31.45 after shipping and steepsterdeal promo code.
I love the packaging. I know it sounds strange but its nice to see the BRIGHT WHITE packaging for a change! :) The teas have been good too! Need to review them once I get my head back on straight.
I agree, it’s nice to see white packaging. I was very tempted to order their tins as their white packaging and logo is pretty nice! Maybe with my next order!
Yeah if I order again I may go for a tin or two myself! It would have to be something I want to keep in my forever stash though – because it has their logo on it.
@azz…I have some really nice logo/company art tins that I Won’t be restocking once I run out…as I see it who says you can’t display a tea tin collection among your teaware? :)
White Lion Tea:
Masala Chai (glass jar)
Lemon Souffle (sample tin)
Vanilla Dolce (sample tin)
Made my first Teavivre order today. Super excited. You can get so much for so cheap. I also got tonnes of points because of the deal they are running until the end of the week (triple points!!). Can’t wait for the order to come. A little disappointed at the long shipping time, but I will be excited to get it becuase I will probably have forgotten about it by the time it comes. And you can’t beat free shipping! Just ordered a bunch of samples and sample sets to try out the teas.
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