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yappychappy select said 12 years ago

Red Leaf Tea: 60g Caramel Matcha (base, distinctive)
60g Pumpkin Pie Matcha (base, distinctive)

Della Terra Teas
1 x Hawaiian Dreams
(Serving Size: 2 oz )
1 x Chili Chocolate Truffle
(Serving Size: 2 oz )
1 x Autumn Leaves
(Serving Size: 2 oz )
1 x Grandma’s Pumpkin Pie
(Serving Size: 2 oz )
1 x Custom Try Me Pack: mellow mango peach, oatmeal raisin cookie, mother of pearl, Chocolate Covered Strawberry, Chocolate Chai pu-erh
1 x Classic Apple Pie
(Serving Size: 2 oz )
FREEEE (thanks) 1 oz Smores and 1 oz lemon chiffron

Also samples coming from Azzrian (a huge thanks!), TeaVivre (this distributor is great), wanjateaofkenya, Den’s Tea, and I think another.

Happy birthday to me!

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Donna A said 12 years ago

Taiwan Dong Ding (Tung Ting) Oolong Tea
Sample 14g (7g * 2)
Superfine Jasmine Downy Dragon Pearls Green Tea
50g (1.75oz)
Superfine Pre-Ming Dragon Well Long Jing Tea
50g (1.75oz)
Golden Monkey Black Tea
100g (3.5oz)
Red Leaf Tea: Boysenberry Matcha, Pumpkin Pie Matcha(basic, small distinctive)
Verdant Tea (just received):
Imperial Breakfast Summer Blend, Xingyang Silk Road Spice, Xingyang Golden Leaf ‘98 Shu,Mrs. Li’s Shi Feng Dragonwell Green

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Kittenna said 12 years ago

Oh nuts. Frank finally made a promo I couldn’t resist (actually, more like some reblends that I couldn’t resist!)

-Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha
-Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake
-Graveyard Mist (couldn’t resist even though I don’t care for mint…)
-Brandied Apricot Upside Down Cake Honeybush
-Spiced Brandy Shou Mei


Although I’m all disappointed right now because I just found out that I accidentally sent my last Red Leaf order to my parents who live two provinces away…. so I don’t get to try my two new matchas for at least another week.

Rachel Sincere said 12 years ago

Just FYI, if you don’t care for that Graveyard Mist, I’d trade it for a full order (minus one teaspoon) of 52Teas Caramel Cheesecake, or the same amount of Pancake Breakfast…


The Graveyard Mist Stalker

Kittenna said 12 years ago

Good to know! :D I’m hoping the marshmallow root makes me enjoy it; I seem to really like that ingredient.

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Alphakitty said 12 years ago

It’s finally October, time for tea orders!

Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha

Zen Tea
Orange Grapefruit 200g
Coconut Green 100g
Cranberry Mango Green 50g

I almost never order over 4 ounces of a single tea, but I just HAD to for the Orange Grapefruit.

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mpierce87 select said 12 years ago

Okay ~ just ordered some Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha and Strawberry Pie Honeybush from 52teas! Shhh…don’t tell my husband – I really don’t NEED more tea. :)

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Ninavampi said 12 years ago

Just Splurged…
I got:
-Cheesecake Matcha
-Cola Matcha
-Eggnog Matcha
-French Vanilla Matcha
-Gingerbread Matcha
-Maraschino Cherry Matcha
-Pumpkin Pie Matcha
-Rose Matcha
-Watermelon Matcha
-White Chocolate Matcha
-Wintergreen Matcha

I am so happy I got the promotion for supporting 52teas! Which also means I got:
Pumpkin Cheesecake and Gooey Butter Cake from 52teas as well! :)

tperez said 12 years ago

ALL the matchas!
Hehe, rose matcha sounds interesting :)

Babble said 12 years ago

Did you use your coupon code for all of those? I didn’t know if we could just use it for one or what.

Also I wasn’t able to use my gift card with the code. :(

Ninavampi said 12 years ago

I used it for all of them. I wrote to them to ask about it, but the y never answered. I waited for a week and finally just gave in. :)

Babble said 12 years ago

Okay. I may do that too, then. Let me know if they retract the order at all.

Dinosara said 12 years ago

When I asked the same question he told me that I could order whatever flavored matchas I wanted but to try to cap it at 10. And I was able to use a gift certificate with mine, but perhaps they changed it.

Babble said 12 years ago

Okay, thanks. When I tried to use my gift certificate it gave me a negative balance.

Azzrian said 12 years ago

Was the negative balance the amount you SHOULD have had remaining? That is what happened to me and then my GC got wiped clean – I emailed him about it and he said he would check into it – I hope soon.

Daisy Chubb said 12 years ago

Oh strange, that’s never happened to my gift certs before. I’m sure they’ll figure it out for you :)

Azzrian said 12 years ago

I think it is due to using the 40% off along with the certificate. I am sure it will get worked out though.

Ninavampi said 12 years ago

My order shipped just fine! Here fingers crossed hoping it gets through customs! :)

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tperez said 12 years ago


-2007 Menghai Jade Dew Premium Ripe Pu-erh tea cake (my first pu’erh cake, so excited!)
-Early Spring Sun-Dried Buds Wild Pu-erh tea varietal 100g
-Feng Qing Gold Bud Yunnan Black tea 100g
-150ml gaiwan and strainer

Also, I accidentally broke my Adagio peronalitea teapot last weekend. I knocked it off the counter in an early morning rush :(
Ordered the ceramic “elepahant” pot from Mandala tea to replace it :)

mrmopar said 12 years ago

you will have to let me know how the Feng Qing Gold Bud Yunnan Black tea is that is a new one on me. the jade dew is awesome. a really great tea you will enjoy it a lot!

tperez said 12 years ago

Sure! I might have to send you some of the fing qing
Can’t wait for this stuff to come :)

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Ze_Teamaker select said 12 years ago

I went and got a good bit from Verdant Tea to hold me over for a while… YAY! The only sad part is that right after I place an order the new Eight Treasure Yabao comes out; and I am just about out of the summer one. This was my face Oh well, I will get some soon.

Chocolate Phoenix Chai- 1oz
Chocolate Chamomile Curiosity Brew- 1oz
Light Roast Anxi Traditional Tieguanyin- 1oz
Earl of Anxi- 7g
Sichuan Caravan- 7g
Zhu Rong Yunnan Black- 1oz

I will get some of DavidsTea Pumpkin Chai as well. Hmmmmm….pumpkin

Lucy said 12 years ago

HAHA! That face made my day!

Terri HarpLady select said 12 years ago

Ze, the same thing happened to me, so I placed another order a few days later, LOL.

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momo said 12 years ago

UGH I didn’t want to but I did it.
Since all this ended up being $36 between the 10% off code and some order points:
this teapot + 10 flowering teas:
and then 14g samples of Golden Monkey, Dong Ding, and Oriental Beauty.

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Rachel Sincere said 12 years ago

Got paid!

Graveyard Mist, FOUR 2-oz bags ;-)
Marshmallow Genmaicha, 2 2-oz bags

Simpson & Vail (This is my go-to for inexpensive basic flavored/blended teas, and they are very good)
Hazelnut Black Tea
Coconut Black Tea
Creme Brulee Black Dessert Tea
Lychee Congou Tea
Moroccan Mint Tea

And I tried for quite a while to give my business to DavidsTea because I really wanted some Organic Blueberry Jam and Pumpkin Chai, but the checkout process was glitching on me so bad that I quit trying after about 20 minutes.

Uniquity said 12 years ago

Sorry for your technical troubles. : ( We’ve been having the same with Teavivre – after entering our information and being rejected four times I’ve mostly given up on placing the order. Though I still want the tea! : )

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