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Ordered some Fauchon today on Vente-Privee! I got An Afternoon in Paris and Chocolate Eclair tea :)

Use my referral code if you want to sign up and get some too-

boychik said

yay, finally there is Fauchon sale. Enjoy!!!

Sil select said

wish vent privee actually shipped to canada. I can’t even use my credit card to have it sent to my tea mule. bah

Aww Sil. Can you paypal your tea mule the money in advance and have her order?

Sil select said

i could but it’s such a hassle.

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Dexter said

I might have gone a little crazy and ordered two more yixing pots and seven more cups of various styles…. (not admitting to how much I ordered last week) I need to stop.

yyz said

I’ve been in danger of a teaware binge too. I am waiting for 4 cups to arrive, but there are several more I want. I haven’t caved to my yixing cravings yet.

Dexter said

LOL part of me is blaming you (ok just a tiny bit) for introducing me AliExpress…. :))
Yes, there are SEVERAL more that I want, and then I just keep looking and finding more…. At least I’m not buying tea!!!!!

yyz said

Aliexpress is dangerous but at times awesome it’s true:-)

Dexter said

It’s very dangerous – I just found this one, didn’t buy it YET, but lusting…..

Sil select said

bad dexter! bad! more time drinking your teas, less time looking at teaware!

boychik said

Dexter, the pot is huge. What really controls me fr buying Yixing is size.

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In the past week:

Kusmi Russian Blends and Christmas tea

Fauchon Raspberry Macaron, Creme Caramel, Chocolate Eclair and An Afternoon in Paris

Lupicia Golden Honey Dew, Cookie, Neptune, Orange & Ginger and Kumquat.

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Hmmmmm… I have tons of tea, so these sales aren’t helping me much! Lupicia got me for a Mon Pote in Orange (love the camel logo on that wee cup!) and because I was having so much trouble deciding what I wanted to order as far as tea goes, I got the 15 teabag assortment. That should hold me til the Happy Bag sale at New Years!

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I made my first Lupicia order since they have free shipping right now and I made a little money off my art yesterday-

50g of each-

Kotobuki (had it before and really like it)

Cinnamon cookie puerh
Marron Chocolate
Chestnut green
(Never had those three but always wanted to try them!)

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I bought a sweatshirt. does that count? Every year I go through this phase where I’m so desperate for it to be cold in San Diego that I buy a sweatshirt, thinking that will make it get colder here. Lame, but true. Here is this year’s “rain dance” sweatshirt. Hope I need it this year!

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Sil select said

Damn Fine Tea – Oktoberfest Blend. Yes, it’s all that.

TeaLady441 said

Excellent choice! I’m waiting for a shipping deal and more money before I look at more A&D. :P

Sil select said

i picked it up only because someone had mentioned this won’t be around after oct 31. That being said, watch it be there forever lol

TeaLady441 said

It won’t be? But… where will it go? :O

Sil select said

haha i can’t remember anymore where i read it. Like i said, maybe i’m imagining it..

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Sil select said

…aaaaand Yunnan Sourcing order..first ever. woot woot

Dexter said

YAY!!!!!! Did you get the pot?

Sil select said

haha no..just tea this time. lol i need to use my first pot more before i can justify a second. it’s a slippery slope!

Dexter said

Yes it is – they are just so cute. You’ll love the tea and I’m sure there will be more orders and opportunities for teaware. :))

Sil select said

i bought another cake… this is not good…house is not set up for starting a giant puerh collection…

Dexter said

You’ll just have to buy that cabinet that you were looking at….

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Uniquity said

Mandala order is being obsessively tracked:

250 gram Mandala Old Tea Nugget Brick – 2011
Mandala Phatty Cake II: The Sequel 2013
Ripe Pu’er Mini-Tuocha Variety Package

I’m SO excited about this order. And Halloween. I love Halloween!

Tealizzy said

I’m obsessively tracking mine too! Could come tomorrow or Monday. :)

Uniquity said

Ooooh, exciting! And you would have an extra hour this weekend to enjoy it!

Tealizzy said

That’s a good point! Yay for fall back DST!!!

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