Favorite Tea Mug?
I have a secret and abiding love for interesting and bizarre mugs, and I was curious about the stories of yours! What mug is your go-to, the one that you always hope is clean when the kettle starts whistling?
My favorite is a wonderful hand-built mug that one of my ceramic professors made in college. I bought it during our annual ceramics sale. It’s pearly blue, rounded on the sides, and rests in your hands perfectly, like a warm little creature. The glaze has crackled over the past thousand cups of tea, and now has a wonderful webwork of crackles along the inside.
My favorite mug isn’t so one-of-a-kind as yours is, Tigerliled, but I love it. It looks like this:
Van Gogh is my favorite artist, and this is my favorite painting of his, and I love LOVE love this mug … it is the cup I drink from daily, I’m constantly washing it so that I can use it for the next cup of tea.
Wait, tea mug? I thought mugs were for coffee! I use cups for my tea. My favorite teacup it the little three-sip cup and the accompanying aroma cup that I use with my gongfu cha.
Most teas I drink by the mugful. Particularly, I like double-walled varieties so the heat stays in and my hands are comfortably warm. Most times I reach for my 14oz borosilicate double-walled mug but at a recent art fair I acquired a handleless cup that fits in my two hands perfectly. It is partially glazed and I love the rough and smooth texture as I hold it.
The only time I bring out my small cups are when company are over and I’m serving them tea with tidbits to nibble. I love to have my face bathed in tea steam as I sip and personally find the itsy bitsy sizes would cool too fast.
Dylan bought me a mug which is pretty much the only thing I drink tea out of. It’s 20 ounces of purple splendor! The poor thing does get washed far more often than is safe for a cup in my hands.
For a while, my absolute favourite was a dalek-themed Doctor Who mug I purchased from a comic book store. Unfortunately, this broke some time ago. I’ve felt a bit lost ever since, but tend towards a hand-made mug I purchased from a market sale held at my old college every term. The handle makes it somewhat awkward to hold, but I do enjoy it. Otherwise, I have a rather interesting glass mug I received for Christmas which is nice to view the colours through.
Otherwise, if I am brewing from a smaller vessel, I have a number of small teacups I lean towards. Most hand-made and stamped, and purchased from various places. And a set from Value Village.
My favourite is my Space Invaders Perfect Mug from DavidsTea!
It was my saviour for many months of work, and it always makes the perfect cup for me!
The red and white is a little… festive.. but until I get another Perfect Mug, she’s always by my side.
Bodum Yo-Yo.
Daisy, I love that! Space Invaders! I had a set of 6 little glass cups but various family members accidentally broke them one by one. :c I guess besides those, my favorite is a white, bone china teacup my ex boyfriend gave me, haha.
It’s a tie between this one: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/308772_2139587338248_1503090120_32152385_1065259228_n.jpg and this one: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7215/7198223958_37fbe2fe19_z.jpg
I liked the design and concept of the Bodum double walled mugs yet I found them to be extemely fragile. Also, one mug developed condensation within the walls which was difficult to get rid of. i purchased 4 of the large mugs, broke 2, threw one out because of the condensation (started to mold), and I am left with 1.
I now use some Bone China mugs my wife purchased in Japan. holds 400ml (same volume as my tea pot), very thin (to a point of being translucent), and extremely durable.
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