A Tea to Stimulate the Appetite??

I know that usually teas are marketed as weight loss teas “Slimming Puerh” or “Skinny Tea” and blah blah but I don’t know about all that, What I do need to know is Are there any teas that you know of personally that can or has stimulated your appetite and made you hungry in any way? I can do an internet search but all that is hit or miss to me, websites promise all kinds of different things from their teas just to sell them.

16 Replies
Geoffrey said

Shu Pu’er always makes me hungry unless I drink it right after eating a huge meal.

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darby select said

I haven’t experienced this…..I’d say there are more teas that make me not hungry. Went recently out for Pu’er and got tea drunk! LOL Never did eat dinner.

Geoffrey said

Hey Darby, I know this is off topic, but I noticed that you are located in Minneapolis. I’m in Minneapolis too. Wondering if we’ve crossed paths at some point. Where did you “go out for Pu’er” around here? Just curious.

Is it bad that I read this and started singing ‘Strangers in the Night’ in my head?

Geoffrey said

@Dylan – Ha! Totally not what I had in mind, but thanks for the chuckle.

Anytime! :)

darby select said

Hey Geoffrey! Nice to meet you! I just moved back from being gone for 7 years. So far I have really only discovered TeaSource (others I have looked for have closed). Their selection is SO extensive that I’ll never run out of choices! Have you been? If not, every Tuesday they have $3.50 sample days and you get about 5 samples. This Tue is ice tea day – I’m SO excited!
LOL Dylan (you little leprachaun! ps.love your avatar) you can never have enough tea friends!

Geoffrey said

@ darby – Cool! Yea, I’ve been to TeaSource. I actually work for a tea business headquartered in downtown MPLS, Verdant Tea. We don’t have a retail location, but you might be interested to know that we are having a tea tasting event at our office this coming Tuesday evening, and you’d be welcome to come if you’re interested. You can see the details here:


@ Tommy – my apologies for going off-topic.

darby select said

AWESOME! I’ll be sure to RSVP tomorrow.

Geoffrey said

Great! Look forward to meeting you at our tasting tomorrow, Darby.

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I don’t know about tea, but fresh raw apples make me ravenous! Combine that with reading food blogs and you should have a winner. :)

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cannabis tea? :)

teawade said

real? haha that would be interesting and sounds plausible enough.

dark_light said

it works..but you have to add a little of milk (thc is not water soluble)
so boil your “tea” with water and milk for a little strain enjoy…
recently i discover chai … it would be interesting to try in this way(the natural flavour is not at the top..)!

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lol cannabis tea @geoffrey- it’s cool :) @mercuryhime-an apple actually sounds good right now thanks guys

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teaenvy said

hojicha always makes me hungry. i always think of broth when i drink it….and thoughts of broth lead to thoughts of roasts, veggies….:-)

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